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Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Milestone Component
#1317 UDFs & DllStructCreate() & char/wchar --> Unicode/ANSI problem Valik Bug closed Standard UDFs
#1336 Remove UDF hard-coded buffer sizes. Gary Bug closed Standard UDFs
#1368 _ClipBoard_GetData($CF_BITMAP) not working on Valik Bug closed Standard UDFs
#2124 Au3RecordSetup(): Underscore is missing at the calling to the func, Error displayed. Bug closed Other
#2058 WinWait, WinWaitActive and WinActive calls are waiting indefinitely irrespective of timeout. Jon Bug closed AutoItX
#1024 GUICtrlSetTip for tabitems sets incorrectly in certain situations Jon Bug closed AutoIt
#1231 strange wildcards behaviour with filecopy Jon Bug closed AutoIt
#1472 GUISetCursor Bug Jpm Bug closed AutoIt
#1503 FileGetSize don't works solid Jon Bug assigned AutoIt
#1650 Problem with Run("psexec", .., $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) on Vista 64bit Jon Bug closed AutoIt
#1652 Sleep in TimerFunc Jon Bug assigned AutoIt
#1667 WinMove, Child-Window, Default. Jon Bug closed AutoIt
#1832 StringStripCR(): Clips strings at NUL-character. Bug closed AutoIt
#1870 @GUI_DRAGFILE Jon Bug closed AutoIt
#1953 FileExists returns 1 for non existing path Bug closed AutoIt
#1954 ListViewItem returns 0 (failure) even though it populates the ListView Jon Bug closed AutoIt
#2002 Try to find the cause of slow file operations. Bug closed AutoIt
#2054 DirCreate incorrectly reports success when path is longer than 255 chars Bug closed AutoIt
#2066 bad dllStructSetData return for int Jon Bug closed AutoIt
#2152 X^2 Not Working in Hex() Jon Bug closed AutoIt
#2167 $WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL and GUICtrlCreateMenu causes bug Jon Bug closed AutoIt
#2168 Updown control displayed on wrong TAB Bug closed AutoIt
#2171 Inconsistent delay for TCPTimeout option Jpm Bug closed AutoIt
#2181 WinWaitActive() doesn't necessarily return active window Bug closed AutoIt
#2190 DirMove. (false success) Bug closed AutoIt
#2210 StringInStr Bug closed AutoIt
#2213 Problem with UDPOpen or UDPRecv an computer with more the one networc card Bug closed AutoIt
#2279 For loop not working as expected Jon Bug assigned AutoIt
#2284 InetClose() always returns false, repeated Inetget() causes high memory usage Bug closed AutoIt
#2299 GUI Button Text Left-Justify Bug Jon Bug closed AutoIt
#2300 $WS_EX_MDICHILD style affects all childs created after it so they act like MDI childs Bug closed AutoIt
#2309 ObjEvent on ADO.Connection not returning strings Jon Bug closed AutoIt
#2310 FileGetShortName result wrong for long filenames Bug closed AutoIt
#2312 Tray icon flashes into the black square Bug closed AutoIt
#2313 InetGet's parameter: filename - bug Bug closed AutoIt
#2315 Server 2012 @OSVersion not correct Jpm Bug closed AutoIt
#2316 PowerPoint COM event handler initialization error Jon Bug closed AutoIt
#2317 ObjCreate Memory Leak Bug closed AutoIt
#2323 BlockInput(1) Unique Bug Bug closed AutoIt
#2018 It is not able to identify all Button from other Software Bug closed Au3Info
#2091 Au3Check and non-ANSI files Jos Bug closed Au3Check
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