Custom Query


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Ticket
#2890 DllStructGetString DllStructGetString assigned Jon Feature Request
#2912 Additional include paths: New command line switch for AutoIt3.exe Command-line switches, include paths assigned Jon Feature Request
#3525 Support for binding to multicast group join udp multicast group assigned Jon Feature Request
#3639 WinGetClassList's Return Value WinGetClassList assigned Jon Feature Request
#3884 MouseCoordMode, cursor moving and DPI unawareness mouse,move,coordinate,click,position,scale,dpi assigned Jon Bug
#3943 Using a function return to increment an counter array element causes TWO function calls array index function call assigned Jon Bug
#3962 Not able to interrupt script with hotkey on latest version v3.3.16.1 interrupt hotkey assigned Jon Bug
#3969 Map Initializer List Map, Initializer List new Feature Request
#3978 miscellaneous string functions that can be included in string.au3 #string new Feature Request
#4004 "Window background color" option for SciTEConfig. window background color new Jos Feature Request
#4007 Inconsistent pointer arithmetic pointer math arithmetic new Bug
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