Custom Query


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#2887 AutoIt fails to deallocate a COM object when it gets reassigned assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3660 Enhancement - PixelSearch to return the color it found assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3969 Map Initializer List new Feature Request AutoIt
#3995 Maps abort with negative integers as keys assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3962 Not able to interrupt script with hotkey on latest version v3.3.16.1 assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#2793 SetError And SetExtended not integer value assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#2886 Stack Trace assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#2370 StringReplace & StringRegExpReplace Add Offset\The starting position of the search assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3972 StringSplit can create invalid Arrays assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#2785 WinTextMatchMode - Window Titles and Text (Advanced) assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#2833 macro @funcname assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.