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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#56 Rejected Some features for discussion Xenobiologist


GaryFrost openend a thread how to submit udfs. I searched through my snippets and found some pieces of code which I'd like to discuss whether they can become a macro/udf ... before submitting them btw. somebody creates a nice piece of code for achieving the goal.

Before flaming me, YES I know they are not perfect. The code is just as examples!

  1. Macro for type of OS like (XP home or Professional)
  2. _getDNS()
  3. Macro for loggedInUser
  4. StringInsertLF


Global $objWMIService = objget("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Global $colSettings = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
For $objOperatingSystem in $colSettings
    $Type = StringMid($objOperatingSystem.Caption, 19)
    MsgBox(64, 'Ouput of Windows Type', "Type	: "& $Type)

Func _getDNS()
    Local $dns_A = StringRegExp(StdoutRead(Run(@ComSpec & " /c nslookup", "", @SW_HIDE, 2)), '(?s)(?i)server:  .*?\.(.*?)(?m:$|\r)', 1)
    If IsArray($dns_A) Then Return $dns_A[0]
    Return SetError(1)
  1. (may fail on other machines than XP PRO SP2?)
    Global $loggegInUser = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\", "AltDefaultUserName")
    Msgbox(64, "Value", $loggegInUser)
  1. ;~ Beispieltext von
    $String = "Die Skripte ermöglichen z. B. das Ausführen von Programmen, das Simulieren von Tastaturanschlägen bzw. Mausklicks. Es können einfache Textfunktionen der Zwischenablage oder auch Windowsfunktionen (wie z. B. minimieren, verstecken, Warten auf/Aktivieren von Fenstern) aufgerufen werden. Seit Version 3 können zudem graphische Benutzeroberflächen mit zahlreichen Controls entworfen werden. Soll es um Registrymanipulationen oder komplexere Schleifen gehen, ist AutoIt 3 inzwischen mit seiner verbesserten Syntax deutlich einfacher zu handhaben als frühere Versionen. Es ist möglich, AutoIt mit anderen Scriptsprachen wie WSH oder Kixtart zu kombinieren (AutoItX)."
    MsgBox(0, "", $String) ; Original-Text
    MsgBox(0, "", _StringInsertLF($String, 50)) ; Softbreak after 50 
    MsgBox(0, "", _StringInsertLF($String, 50, 1)) ; Hardbreak after 50
    Func _StringInsertLF($strString, $nCount, $cBreaking = 0)
    	Local $strRetString = "", $nPos
    		If StringLen($strString) > $nCount Then
    			$nPos = StringInStr(StringLeft($strString, $nCount + 1), " ", 0, -1)
    			If ($nPos And $cBreaking = 0) Then
    				$strRetString &= StringLeft($strString, $nPos - 1) & @LF
    				$strString = StringMid($strString, $nPos + 1)
    				$strRetString &= StringLeft($strString, $nCount) & @LF
    				$strString = StringMid($strString, $nCount + 1)
    	Until StringLen($strString) < $nCount
    	$strRetString &= $strString
    	Return $strRetString
    EndFunc   ;==>_StringInsertLF


#57 Rejected unable to click hyperlink in any window devendray

I am trying to automate a windows application which contains hyperlinks and i couldn't find any way to perform action on hyperlinks

#58 Rejected Add a new button Type called Splitbutton ptrex

Addition of the "BS_SPLITBUTTON" type button.]

This makes it possible to combine a button with a dropdownlist style.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.