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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3960 Completed Integer division Jpm Alecsis1

Hello! As well-known, division operation always returns double even if both operands are integer, e.g.

Local $v = 10/2              
ConsoleWrite(VarGetType($v)) ; we've got double instead of integer

Imho there may be useful to have special math operator for integer division, for example $i % $j or smth like that. Or else, special function like Div($i, $j) in addition to existing Mod($i, $j) In such case we would be sure to obtain integer result, e.g. 10/3=3 instead of 3.33333… Thank you for attention! PS Sorry for my weak English (

#3605 Fixed the function _GUICtrlListView_SetBkImage() does not accept control ID Jpm Alofa <alofa.script@…>

The help for the function _GUICtrlListView_SetBkImage() in the description of the first parameter is as follows: "$hWnd - Control ID/Handle to the control", but in fact the function will not work with Control ID since the following line is present inside it:

Func _GUICtrlListView_SetBkImage($hWnd, $sURL = "", $iStyle = 0, $iXOffset = 0, $iYOffset = 0)
; ...
	If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then Return SetError($LV_ERR, $LV_ERR, False)
; ...
#3611 Completed _GUICtrlListView_SetBkHBITMAP() Jpm Alofa <alofa.script@…>

_GUICtrlListView_SetBkItage() function does not use all the features LVM_SETBKIMAGE message. I propose to extend the library "GuiListView.au3" with an additional function: _GUICtrlListView_SetBkHBITMAP() which is set a background image in the ListView based on the Bitmap handle. The function itself and the examples in the attachment.

Remarks: machine translation.

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