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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3605 Fixed the function _GUICtrlListView_SetBkImage() does not accept control ID Jpm Alofa <alofa.script@…>

The help for the function _GUICtrlListView_SetBkImage() in the description of the first parameter is as follows: "$hWnd - Control ID/Handle to the control", but in fact the function will not work with Control ID since the following line is present inside it:

Func _GUICtrlListView_SetBkImage($hWnd, $sURL = "", $iStyle = 0, $iXOffset = 0, $iYOffset = 0)
; ...
	If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then Return SetError($LV_ERR, $LV_ERR, False)
; ...
#3261 Rejected the #include-once at the top does not seem to stop the include when it comes from a different path anonymous

while I was debugging a udf from progranx86 inlude directry, I was looking for a way to copy array.au3 to my source library and include it with #include "array.au3". This kinda worked but there were too many other imbedded includes for #include <array.au3> . the #include-once at the top does not seem to stop the include when it comes from a different path.

I gave up and modified array.au3 in the program directry. Is this working as designed. I was hoping the include-once would stop multiple includes regardless of the path.

#3008 Rejected texting on a notepad maheshit22@…

I am able to enter text in a notepad and save it. But what 1.if i want to enter details in multiple lines 2.How to navigate to menu bar and select an option. 3.When i had created multiple notepad files with same name one as testing and another as testing 1 then when i type the command send("E:\testing 1.txt"),It was executing the programs available in both the files

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