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Results (43 - 45 of 3870)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#226 No Bug Explorer freezes momentarily when using Windows Shortcut keys while AutoIt scripts are running Koder

AutoIt seems to be causing long delays when using Windows Shortcut Keys. I have noticed that while 1 or more scripts are running, when I use a windows shortcut key (the hot key combo defined within a shortcut), Explorer freezes for a moment, nothing in Explorer will work until the shortcut launches (other apps work normally). The delay is exponentially longer if more than 1 script is running. There is no delay at all when no scripts are running and the delay is ended immediately if the script is stopped. And it seems like the longer a script has been running the longer the delay.

I have been sitting on this problem for awhile now looking for my own solution. I have found that the script itself does not matter, any script that is currently running, no defined hot keys within the script, they all cause the delay. I created a script that does nothing at all but sit in the system tray, still causes a delay. The problem occurs in all recent builds of AutoIt (betas too).

I suspect that AutoIt must be intercepting hot key messages before Windows Explorer and is then passing them on... Is there anyway to prevent this?

I've included a simplified script that demonstrates the problem although any script seems to have the same effect.

Steps to recreate:

  1. Create a shortcut key on Notepad (Ctrl-Alt N for example), test the shortcut key (while no scripts are running) to check that it works OK.
  2. Run several copies of this (or any) script and wait about 20 seconds before using a shortcut key.

Notice that explorer freezes until Notepad is opened. If you kill the script(s), explorer unfreezes quickly and Notepad opens right away.

Global $nMsg
Global $Form = GUICreate("Run several copies to see the delay", 350, 150, 263, 127)


While 1
	$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
	Switch $nMsg
		Case -3


#232 No Bug StdoutRead with peek = true doesn't exits loop gcriaco <gcriaco@…>

Using peek = true the StdoutRead loop never terminates (@error = 0)

See the example below:

#include <Constants.au3>

Local $foo = Run(@ComSpec & " /c dir", @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) Local $line While 1

$line = StdoutRead($foo, True) If @error Then ExitLoop MsgBox(0, "STDOUT read:", $line)


MsgBox(0, "Debug", "Exiting...")

#234 No Bug GUIList.au3 error Michael W. Bayley <m_bayley@…>

The last time I tested/compiled the program (7/2007) this worked fine. I have not had occasion to play with the script since I have just been using the compiled version for a while. Something in the new include file has a problem.

Here is the error I get:

Line 749 (File "O:\Program Files\Development\Languages\AutoIt\Include\GUIList.au3"):

If Not _IsClassName ($h_listbox, "ListBox") Then Return SetError($LB_ERR, $LB_ERR, $LB_ERR) If Not ERROR

Error: Unknown function name.

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