Custom Query
Results (46 - 48 of 3870)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#772 | Rejected | stringstripLF | chiknfrmr@… | |
Description |
I would like to see AutoIT have a function to strip line feeds from strings, similar to stringstripCR Thanks for your consideration. |
#1231 | Rejected | strange wildcards behaviour with filecopy | Jon | xelotiac@… |
Description |
Hello, If I use this piece of code for a "abcdef.ghi" file: FileCopy('abcde*.ghi','tmp\abcde*.ghi',9) Auotit copy that file correct, but the name has changed to 'abcdeabcdef.ghi'. With kindly regards, Sebastian |
#1858 | Duplicate | strange behaviour of dialogs used with hwnd | anonymous | |
Description |
if you use MsgBox, InputBox, FileSelectFolder,FileOpenDialog and FileSaveDialog and set the &hwnd parameter, only msgbox and fileselectfolder act as expected. FileOpenDialog and FileSaveDialog open above the targeted window, but in the upper left corner, inputbox opens somewhere in center, best to be seen if you use 2 monitors: input box should open on the right one but opens on the left. Remember: the others ones open on the right as they should do. |