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Results (70 - 72 of 3866)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2206 Rejected Detailed information on _array display wimhek

Please have the line number displayed within the heading of the arraydisplay output. This is handy when deleting debug lines.

I also suggest to display the arayname by default in the heading.


#1632 Rejected UDF to display a table wim_hekkenberg@…

It would be handy to have an UDF who combines the consolewrite function with _ArrayDisplay. So for debugging purposes we could display the content of an array to the console.

#1893 Rejected #Include-All willichan <willi_chan@…>

I would like to see a new pre-compiler directive, #Include-All. Syntax would be similar to the #Include directive, but would allow for wildcards in the filename. In the absence of a path, the main script path would be assumed.

Example: #Include-All <*.inc.au3> would include all files with ".inc.au3" as the extension within the same path/folder as the main script being compiled/run.

Reason: I write scripts that often have additional functionality added as time goes on, such as machine data or installed software information gathering. New software or component detection often requires a new function to handle it. Rather than modifying the code in multiple places to accommodate the function, The main script could be driven by an array of functions. Each new addition would need only be a new include file that adds itself to the appropriate controlling arrays.

This method would also apply well for spyware/malware removal scripts that I have written.

Adding new functionality would then require only sending the new include to the client, and having them drop it into the script folder and re-compiling.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.