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Results (73 - 75 of 3866)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4001 Fixed $tagNMITEMACTIVATE is used with wrong parameter names in many examples Jpm YuTang


Quote Syntax:

Global Const $tagNMITEMACTIVATE = $tagNMHDR & ";int Index;int SubItem;int NewState;int OldState;" & _
        "int Changed;int X;int Y;int lParam;int KeyFlags"

The above syntax clearly stated "X" and "Y" for its coordinates. But many ListView examples refer them as "ActionX" and "ActionY". A few of them listed below: Link: Link: Link:

#1130 Duplicate $tagNMLVKEYDOWN stuct not working in x64 OS Gary smashly66@…

$tagNMLVKEYDOWN in StructureConstants.au3 "int VKey" needs to be "int_ptr VKey" for it to work in x64 os. I saw $tagNMHDR struct that is used in $tagNMLVKEYDOWN stuct has been fixed in milestone, but wasn't sure if this had been fixed as well.

#1398 Fixed $tagPARAFORMAT2 incorrect Jon ProgAndy

The declaration of $tagPARAFORMAT2 in GUIRichEdit is incorrect. Corected declaration (semicolon after $tagPARAFORMAT was missing):

Global Const $tagPARAFORMAT2 = $tagPARAFORMAT _
		 & ";long dySpaceBefore;long dySpaceAfter;long dyLineSpacing;short sStyle;byte bLineSpacingRule;" _
		 & "byte bOutlineLevel;word wShadingWeight;word wShadingStyle;word wNumberingStart;word wNumberingStyle;" _
		 & "word wNumberingTab;word wBorderSpace;word wBorderWidth;word wBorders"
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