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Results (79 - 81 of 3875)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#80 Completed Au3Info showing advanced window descriptions Jon Valik

Au3Info should be modified to show the advanced window description information making it easier for users to copy and paste the information to their script.

#81 No Bug _ArraySort output bad if first chararacter of alphanumeric string is numeric. autoitfan

;Following sample program demonstrates problem.

#include <array.au3>

Dim $array[10], $cnt

$array[1] = "cba"

$array[2] = "1ba"

$array[3] = "abc"

$array[0] = 3

MSGBOX(0,"BEFORE SORT", $array[0]&" "&$array[1]&" "&$array[2]&" "&$array[3])

;MSGBOX "BEFORE SORT" displays: 3 cba 1ba abc

_ArraySort( $array)

MSGBOX(0,"AFTER SORT", $array[0]&" "&$array[1]&" "&$array[2]&" "&$array[3])

;MSGBOX "AFTER SORT" displays: 0 abc 0 cba

;Should be: 3 1ba abc cba


#82 No Bug Variable declared on same line = Undeclared anonymous

If you try this code:

$str = "Hello" & $str

MsgBox(0, "Test", $str)

you will get an error "$str possibly used before declaration"

I understand this would produce an infinite loop, but the variable is technically declared, is it not?

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.