Custom Query
Results (79 - 81 of 3875)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#80 | Completed | Au3Info showing advanced window descriptions | Jon | Valik |
Description |
Au3Info should be modified to show the advanced window description information making it easier for users to copy and paste the information to their script. |
#81 | No Bug | _ArraySort output bad if first chararacter of alphanumeric string is numeric. | autoitfan | |
Description |
;Following sample program demonstrates problem. #include <array.au3> Dim $array[10], $cnt $array[1] = "cba" $array[2] = "1ba" $array[3] = "abc" $array[0] = 3 MSGBOX(0,"BEFORE SORT", $array[0]&" "&$array[1]&" "&$array[2]&" "&$array[3]) ;MSGBOX "BEFORE SORT" displays: 3 cba 1ba abc _ArraySort( $array) MSGBOX(0,"AFTER SORT", $array[0]&" "&$array[1]&" "&$array[2]&" "&$array[3]) ;MSGBOX "AFTER SORT" displays: 0 abc 0 cba ;Should be: 3 1ba abc cba Exit |
#82 | No Bug | Variable declared on same line = Undeclared | anonymous | |
Description |
If you try this code: $str = "Hello" & $str MsgBox(0, "Test", $str) you will get an error "$str possibly used before declaration" I understand this would produce an infinite loop, but the variable is technically declared, is it not? |