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Results (82 - 84 of 3866)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#285 Fixed UDF Misc - _ChoosColor broken with Autoit Gary water

UDF: Misc Management - _ChooseColor gives errors with new Autoit

C:\Programme\AutoIt3\Examples\Helpfile\_ChooseColor.au3(37,31) : ERROR: Opt() called with illegal argument 1: "ColorMode"

$oldOpt = Opt('ColorMode', 0)

C:\Programme\AutoIt3\Examples\Helpfile\_ChooseColor.au3(38,39) : ERROR: Opt() called with illegal argument 1: "ColorMode"

If $Type = 1 Then Opt('ColorMode', 1)

C:\Programme\AutoIt3\Examples\Helpfile\_ChooseColor.au3(49,27) : ERROR: Opt() called with illegal argument 1: "ColorMode"

Opt('ColorMode', $oldOpt)

C:\Programme\AutoIt3\Examples\Helpfile\_ChooseColor.au3 - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)

#626 Works For Me GUICtrlSetTip: Display as Balloon Tip doesn't work water
	GUICtrlCreateLabel("my label", 10, 20)
	GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "tip of my label","Test",0,1)

doesn't work. IE5+ is required (according to GUICtrlSetTip Help), IE7 is installed. Has been tested with and Firefox 3.0.3 is installed as well.

#2125 Fixed _FileWriteFromArray crashes when writing a 2D array guinness water

When writing a 2D array the script crashes with error message: Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.

Reproducer Script:

#include <file.au3> #include <array.au3> Global $aTest[2][2] = 1,2],[2,3? _ArrayDisplay($aTest) _FileWriteFromArray("C:\temp\test.log", $aTest)

The array is displayed correctly as a 2D array. But then the script crashes with: C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include\file.au3 (272) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.: $s_Temp &= $s_Delim & $a_Array[$x][$y] $s_Temp &= $s_Delim & ERROR

Solution: Replace line 271: For $y = 1 To $iDims with For $y = 0 To $iDims-1

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.