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Results (85 - 87 of 3866)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#821 No Bug (NON-COMPONENT) In Script Precompiler Options BetaBug

Would like to be able to specify already available compiler options in the script that i am compiling. For instance to specify what the name of the exe will be and what icon to use. Right now in order to make tools for various editing programs we have to create scripts that create scripts that compile scripts. This is a huge pain. It would be so nice to just put before your includes "#icon=myicon.ico".

#1818 Rejected (UDF) _INetSmtpMail Importance parameter JamesBrooks

Since the importance of an email can be critical, I added a parameter for importance; $s_Importance which can be; "low", "normal", "high".

Personally I think an important feature to have, that or a way to allow extra headers to be added.

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _INetSmtpMail
; Description ...: Sends an email using SMTP over TCP IP.
; Parameters ....: $s_SmtpServer	- SMTP server to be used for sending email
;                  $s_FromName		- Name of sender
;                  $s_FromAddress	- eMail address of sender
;                  $s_ToAddress	- Address that email is to be sent to
;                  $s_Subject		- Subject of eMail
;				   $as_Body		- Single dimension array containing the body of eMail as strings
;				   $s_helo			- Helo identifier (default @COMPUTERNAME) sometime needed by smtp server
;				   $s_first		- send before Helo identifier (default @CRLF) sometime needed by smtp server
;				   $s_Importance	- low, normal high
;				   $b_trace		- trace on a splash window (default 0 = no trace)
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
;                  On Failure - 0  and sets
;											@ERROR = 1		-	Invalid Parameters
;											@ERROR = 2		-	Unable to start TCP
;											@ERROR = 3		-	Unable to resolve IP
;											@ERROR = 4		-	Unable to create socket
;											@ERROR = 5x		-	Cannot open SMTP session
;											@ERROR = 50x	-	Cannot send body
;											@ERROR = 5000	-	Cannot close SMTP session
; Author ........: Asimzameer, Walkabout
; Modified.......: Jpm, JamesBrooks
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _INetSmtpMail($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject = "", $as_Body = "", $s_helo = "", $s_first=" ", $s_Importance = "normal", $b_trace = 0)
	If $s_SmtpServer = "" Or $s_FromAddress = "" Or $s_ToAddress = "" Or $s_FromName = "" Or StringLen($s_FromName) > 256 Then Return SetError(1, 0 ,0)
	If $s_helo = "" Then $s_helo = @ComputerName

	If TCPStartup() = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0 ,0)

	Local $s_IPAddress, $i_Count
	StringRegExp($s_SmtpServer, "(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)")
	If @extended Then
		$s_IPAddress = $s_SmtpServer
		$s_IPAddress = TCPNameToIP($s_SmtpServer)
	If $s_IPAddress = "" Then
		Return SetError(3, 0 ,0)
	Local $v_Socket = TCPConnect($s_IPAddress, 25)
	If $v_Socket = -1 Then
		Return SetError(4, 0 ,0)

	Local $s_Send[6], $s_ReplyCode[6]	; Return code from SMTP server indicating success
	$s_Send[0] = "HELO " & $s_helo & @CRLF
	If StringLeft($s_helo,5) = "EHLO " Then $s_Send[0] = $s_helo & @CRLF
	$s_ReplyCode[0] = "250"

	$s_Send[1] = "MAIL FROM: <" & $s_FromAddress & ">" & @CRLF
	$s_ReplyCode[1] = "250"
	$s_Send[2] = "RCPT TO: <" & $s_ToAddress & ">" & @CRLF
	$s_ReplyCode[2] = "250"
	$s_Send[3] = "DATA" & @CRLF
	$s_ReplyCode[3] = "354"

	Local $aResult = _Date_Time_GetTimeZoneInformation()
	Local $bias = -$aResult[1]/60
	Local $biasH = Int($bias)
	Local $biasM = 0
	If $biasH <> $bias Then $biasM =  Abs($bias - $biasH) * 60
	$bias =  StringFormat(" (%+.2d%.2d)", $biasH, $biasM)

	$s_Send[4] = 	"From:" & $s_FromName & "<" & $s_FromAddress & ">" & @CRLF & _
			"To:" & "<" & $s_ToAddress & ">" & @CRLF & _
			"Subject:" & $s_Subject & @CRLF & _
			"Mime-Version: 1.0" & @CRLF & _
			"Date: " & _DateDayOfWeek(@WDAY, 1) & ", " & @MDAY & " " & _DateToMonth(@MON, 1) & " " & @YEAR & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & $bias & @CRLF & _
			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII" & @CRLF & _
			"Importance: " & $s_Importance & @CRLF & _
	$s_ReplyCode[4] = ""

	$s_Send[5] = @CRLF & "." & @CRLF
	$s_ReplyCode[5] = "250"

	; open stmp session
	If __SmtpSend($v_Socket, $s_Send[0], $s_ReplyCode[0], $b_trace, "220", $s_first) Then Return SetError(50, 0, 0)

	; send header
	For $i_Count = 1 To UBound($s_Send) - 2
		If __SmtpSend($v_Socket, $s_Send[$i_Count], $s_ReplyCode[$i_Count], $b_trace) Then Return SetError(50 + $i_Count, 0 ,0)

	; send body records (a record can be multiline : take care of a subline beginning with a dot should be ..)
	For $i_Count = 0 To UBound($as_Body) - 1
		; correct line beginning with a dot
		If StringLeft($as_Body[$i_Count], 1) = "." Then $as_Body[$i_Count] = "." & $as_Body[$i_Count]

		If __SmtpSend($v_Socket, $as_Body[$i_Count] & @CRLF, "", $b_trace) Then Return SetError(500 + $i_Count, 0, 0)

	; close the smtp session
	$i_Count = UBound($s_Send) - 1
	If __SmtpSend($v_Socket, $s_Send[$i_Count], $s_ReplyCode[$i_Count], $b_trace) Then Return SetError(5000, 0, 0)

	Return 1
EndFunc   ;==>_INetSmtpMail
#2597 Fixed - text formating guinness mlipok

with reference to: ​

I remove not needed {ENTER}

and some more for example: in _WinAPI_CascadeWindows.txt in paramters section:

I changed out this form:

	[optional] A cascade flag. This parameter can be one or more of the following values.

to this form:

	[optional] A cascade flag. This parameter can be one or more of the following values:

i.e. changed the dot on colon

And I added a tab to distinguish a list of possible flags.

Remarks: These files unfortunately do not include recent changes such as

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.