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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#528 Rejected Native Control Identification and Property Retrieval using Active Acessibility zfisherdrums

<disclaimer> I request this understanding that it may be outside of AutoIT's intended purpose and that implementation may be prohibitively lengthy/difficult. But, "you have not because you ask not." </disclaimer>

Control ID Descriptions should include options for accName, accRole, child index, and an optional Root handle to aid in expediting tree traversing.


; Click on the VMWare Server list item 
$msaaControl = ControlClick( "Add or Remove Programs", "", "[NAME:VMWare Server;ROLE:listitem;ROOT:0x00050496]" )
; Click on all list items
$count = ControlCommand( "Add or Remove Programs", "", "[NAME:Add or Remove Programs]", "GetChildrenCount", "" )
For $i = 1 to $count
   $role = ControlCommand( "Add or Remove Programs", "", "[NAME:Add or Remove Programs]", "GetRole", $i )
   if ( $role = "listitem" ) then
      ControlClick( "Add or Remove Programs", "", "NAME:Add or Remove Programs];CHILD:" & $i & "]" )
#529 Completed Identifying .NET controls using WM_GETCONTROLNAME Jon zfisherdrums

Having read previous request and response for DataGrid on ticket #23, I do not wish to beleaguer the point. Nor is it my place to specifiy what is/is not trivial to accommodate into AutoIT. However, with all the requests for persistent .NET control identification, I wonder what is the possibility of utilizing the "WM_GETCONTROLNAME" message either natively or in a standard UDF.

I enclose the following MSDN code only to provide some fruits of my "research" on this, and my failed attempt to port it into a UDF:

given an hWnd, this code attempts to send a message to the window to get the
instance name of the control bound to the window
1. Get the Value of the WM_GETCONTROLNAME message (RegisterWindowMessage)
2. Get the Process Info for this window (GetWindowThreadProcessId)
3. Open the process and get a process handle (OpenProcess)
4. Allocate memory within the target process (VirtualAllocEx)
5. Send the target window a WM_GETCONTROLNAME message and a pointer to the
memory (SendMessageTimeout)
6. Read the response from the allocated memory (ReadProcessMemory)
7. Close process handle, release memory
//we enter this code with hwnd set to a specific window handle
//error checking omitted for brevity

const int bufsize = 1024;
wchar_t CtlName[bufsize];
DWORD ProcessId;
SIZE_T NumRead;

unsigned int GetName = RegisterWindowMessage(L"WM_GETCONTROLNAME");
DWORD dwResult = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &ProcessId);
HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,false,ProcessId);
LPVOID OtherMem = VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, 0, bufsize, MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE);
LPARAM lpOtherMem = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(OtherMem);
unsigned int SendFlags = SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG|SMTO_BLOCK;
LRESULT lResult = SendMessageTimeout(hwnd, GetName, bufsize, lpOtherMem, SendFlags, 5000, &NumRead);

//if lResult == 0 then failure or timeout, if GetLastError reports 0, then it is a timeout
//if successful NumRead contains the number of characters, if NumRead == 0 then the name is empty

BOOL bResult = ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, OtherMem, CtlName, bufsize,

//CtlName now contains the instance name of the control, or is empty if there is no name

//clean up
bResult = CloseHandle(hProcess);
bResult = VirtualFreeEx(hProcess,OtherMem,1024,MEM_RELEASE);

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