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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1833 Fixed _arraydisplay : elements longer than 4094 bytes are like empty elements Jpm 436602556274@…

array elements longer than 4094 bytes displayed like empty strings. Even other long elements don't fit on screen, are only truncated, but elements > 4094 look like empty elements. See ListView of code below:

#include <array.au3>
Dim $A [6][2]	; Array of strings, col 0 is only for documentation
; col 1 is the string
dim $s_long = "XXXXXXXXXX" ; build a very long string
$s_long = StringReplace($s_long,"X","XXXXXXXXXX") ;  100 bytes
$s_long = stringreplace($s_long,"X","XXXXXXXXXX") ;1,000 -,,-
$s_long = StringReplace($s_long,"X","XXXXX")	  ;5,000 -,,- long
$A[1][0] = 4093
$A[1][1] =stringleft($s_long,$A[1][0])
$A[2][0] = 4094
$A[2][1] =stringleft($s_long,$A[2][0])
$A[3][0] = 4095
$A[3][1] =stringleft($s_long,$A[3][0])
$A[4][0] = 4096
$A[4][1] =stringleft($s_long,$A[4][0])
$A[5][0] = 0
$A[5][1] = ""
Col 0 is the length of  col 1 element
but with one-dimensional array hapens the same,
Col 0 is hopefuly helpful at display

In case of one-dimensional array you can't see any difference between empty and long elements. During test of RegExp gave me fatal information. I'm not sure if this is bug or documentation request so feel free to change this status. I think it's more bug then any limitation and/or documentation problem.

#1889 Rejected _ArrayDisplay optionaly display columns in hex. Gary 436602556274@…

Feature reuest for function: _ArrayDisplay(Const ByRef $avArray ....

should recieve an additional optional parameter [,$sHexDisplay] ...

Parameter $HexDisplay in the form of a string of "0" and "1". Like this $sHexDisplay="01001" ::

means columns 2+5 should displayed in hex, all other normal. Columns higher than the length of the string defaults to normal display.

3 Lines of Code (one of them is only a comment line) Modified header:

  Func _ArrayDisplay(Const ByRef $avArray, $sTitle = "Array: ListView Display", _ 
$iItemLimit = -1,  $iTranspose = 0, $sSeparator = "", $sReplace = "|", _
 $sHeader = "", '''$sHexDisplay = 0''')

immediate before(/after) comment" ; Set header up"

; build a string for each column "1" for hex- or  "0" or normal- display
Local $vHex = $sHexDisplay&_stringrepeat(0,$iSubMax-stringlen($sHexDisplay))

and after behind the comment:" ; Add to text array"

If stringmid($vHex,$j+1,1)  <> 0 Then $vTmp = _StringToHex($vTmp)

This function seems to be mainly a testing tool, so i think, it for other users a helpful feature too.

#1891 Fixed _ArrayDisplay (......,i$iTranspose,...) wrong description ? Jon 436602556274@…

Bug in help of _ArrayDisplay:

$iTranspose [optional] If set differently than default, will transpose the array if 2D

Transpose happens, if set, for 2D as well for 1D !

Only formal: $sheader should look $sHeader in parameter description. =======================================================================

Not a bug, but a little bit more description of "$sHeader" would be nice. like: $sHeader [optional] Header column names (column headers separated by "|") or simple one or more examples with $sHeader.

(Component: Documentation or Standard UDFs ?)

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