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Results (94 - 96 of 3876)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#95 | Fixed | StringReplace doesn't recognize some number types as not strings | Jpm | PsaltyDS |
Description |
Reported in General Support topic #63374 by jennico. Tested in and with this: $sString = "0123" $a = 1 + 1 ConsoleWrite("Debug: $a = " & $a & " type = " & VarGetType($a) & " IsInt($a) = " & IsInt($a) & @LF) $sString_a = StringReplace($sString, $a, "x") ConsoleWrite("Debug: $sString_a = " & $sString_a & @LF) $b = Sqrt(4) ConsoleWrite("Debug: $a = " & $b & " type = " & VarGetType($b) & " IsInt($b) = " & IsInt($b) & @LF) $sString_b = StringReplace($sString, $b, "x") ConsoleWrite("Debug: $sString_b = " & $sString_b & @LF) Output is: >Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\beta\autoit3.exe "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Scripts\Test_2.au3" Debug: $a = 2 type = Int32 IsInt($a) = 1 Debug: $sString_a = 0x23 Debug: $a = 2 type = Double IsInt($b) = 1 Debug: $sString_b = 01x3 +>08:37:25 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0 With 2 as an INT32 it works correctly, but the DOUBLE causes it to switch to a string-type replace. |
#96 | No Bug | Display problems with 2 embedded WebBrowser objects in GUI | DaleHohm | |
Description |
When 2 WebBrowser controls are embedded in a GUI and are sequentially updated, the content of the first becomes invisible when the second is updated. Visibility is restored by occlude/expose, content selection or minimize/restore. Tested on: AutoIt and beta, Windows XP SP2 Note: Similar issues have been reported previously involving GUI Tabs and having embedded browsers on multiple tabs. The people experiencing this issue did not create simple reproducers, not log bug reports. A reproducer for this is NOT being presented here, but it is being mentioned in case it adds further clues for isolation and resolution. Issue reported in the forum by Romm here: Reproducer code: #include <GUIConstants.au3> ; Create two WebBrowser controls to embed $oIE1 = ObjCreate("Shell.Explorer.2") $oIE2 = ObjCreate("Shell.Explorer.2") ; Setup the parent GUI and embed the controls $hwnd = GUICreate("Embedded Web control Test", 1200, 700) $GUIActiveX1 = GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE2, 980, 1, 100, 600) $GUIActiveX2 = GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE1, 1, 1, 970, 660) GUISetState() ;Show GUI ; Update first control $oIE1.navigate("") ; Wait for document object to be created While Not IsObj($oIE1.document) Sleep(100) WEnd ; Wait for document load to complete While $oIE1.document.readyState <> "complete" Sleep(100) WEnd ; Update second control $oIE2.navigate("") ; Wait for document object to be created While Not IsObj($oIE2.document) Sleep(100) WEnd ; Wait for document load to complete While $oIE2.document.readyState <> "complete" Sleep(100) WEnd ; When the second control is updated, the content in the first control becomes invisible. ; If occluding and exposing the first control with another window, dragging accross it with Mouse-button 1 ; or minimizing and restoring the full window causes it to display properly. ; ; Wait 5 seconds, then minimize and restore the window to demonstrate the fact that the ; content in control 1 suddenly becomes visible ; Sleep(5000) WinSetState($hwnd, "", @SW_MINIMIZE) WinSetState($hwnd, "", @SW_RESTORE) ; Waiting for user to close the window While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd GUIDelete() Exit |
#97 | No Bug | WinMenuSelectItem() | Piano_man | |
Description |
This does not seem to be working as expected. AutoItVersion: Computer: Win XP SP2 #include <GUIConstants.au3> $GUI1 = GUICreate("My GUI 1",300,200, 200, 200) GUICtrlCreateLabel("TEST PAGE",20,20) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Hide GUI 2", 40, 40) $hide = False $ButtonMenu = GUICtrlCreateButton("Test WinMenuSelectItem()", 40, 70) GUISetState () $GUI2 = GUICreate("My GUI 2",300,200, 510, 200) GUICtrlCreateLabel("MAIN PAGE",20,20) $filemenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu ("File") $fileitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("TEST",$filemenu) GUISetState () While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit EndIf Select Case $msg = $Button1 If Not $hide then WinSetState('My GUI 2', '', @SW_HIDE) GuiCtrlSetData($Button1, 'Show GUI 2') Else WinSetState('My GUI 2', '', @SW_SHOW) GuiCtrlSetData($Button1, 'Hide GUI 2') EndIf $hide = Not $hide Case $msg = $fileitem MsgBox(0,1,"Menu Clicked") Case $msg = $ButtonMenu WinMenuSelectItem("My GUI 2", "MAIN PAGE", "File", "TEST") EndSelect WEnd |