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Results (100 - 102 of 3866)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1287 Fixed _Debug functions are changing Blockinput() Flag Valik Beege

The problem can be seen using _DebugOut or _DebugSetup examples from documentation. I believe the problem is coming from internel function _Debug_ReportWrite(). The last line of the function should be "If Not $bBlock then Blockinput(1)"

#1380 Fixed Inform user of required parameters in _Timer_Settimer() Jpm Beege

Perhaps a remark could be added to help file to inform the user that the callback function they create MUST include parameters $hWnd, $Msg, $iIDTimer, $dwTime for it to work. As always, thanks for all your hard work.

#1392 Fixed OnAutoItExitRegister is causing AutoIT to crash Valik Beege

The title says it all..

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