Custom Query


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Results (115 - 117 of 3875)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#109 Works For Me _SQLite_GetTable - Memory error Beejai

When I try to get a big 1d-Table with "_SQLite_GetTable", in 30% of the cases I get a Application error.

Event Type:	Error
Event Source:	Application Error
Event Category:	(100)
Event ID:	1000
Date:		08.02.2008
Time:		22:34:00
User:		N/A
Computer:	BRIAN
Faulting application KMRobot.xx-spion.exe, version, faulting module KMRobot.xx-spion.exe, version, fault address 0x00050e2a.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74   Applicat
0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c   ion Fail
0010: 75 72 65 20 20 4b 4d 52   ure  KMR
0018: 6f 62 6f 74 2e 78 78 2d   obot.xx-
0020: 73 70 69 6f 6e 2e 65 78   spion.ex
0028: 65 20 33 2e 32 2e 31 30   e 3.2.10
0030: 2e 30 20 69 6e 20 4b 4d   .0 in KM
0038: 52 6f 62 6f 74 2e 78 78   Robot.xx
0040: 2d 73 70 69 6f 6e 2e 65   -spion.e
0048: 78 65 20 33 2e 32 2e 31   xe 3.2.1
0050: 30 2e 30 20 61 74 20 6f   0.0 at o
0058: 66 66 73 65 74 20 30 30   ffset 00
0060: 30 35 30 65 32 61         050e2a  

Here is the used code... nothing special:

	local $TmpUserList[1][$ITEMS_PER_USER] ; Temporäre neue Userlist
	local $names[1], $TmpNames[1], $tid    ; Array der UIDs, die schon angemailt wurden aus der Globalen DB
	local $iRows, $iColumns, $iRval        ; Hilfsvars. Anzahl der Zeilen und Spalten
	Local $UserListId, $userElemId         ; Userlist-Hilfsvariablen
	Local $sSQL, $iSQLState, $hQuery, $aRow[1], $dbHandle ; DB-Variablen
	Local $anzGeloescht=0                  ; Zähler für die anzahl der Dupes
	Local $TmpRes						   ; Temp Ergebniss von Fkts, das nicht weiter benötigt wird
	if UBound($UserList) = 1 Then Return 0
	_Update_Abgleichen_in_Gui("Lade DB..")
	$sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT userlists.profileuURL FROM "&$PES_tablename& _
			" WHERE (userlists.gruppe="&_SQLite_Escape($PES_dbgruppe)& ") AND" & _
			" (userlists.status="&_SQLite_Escape($UserStatus)& ")" & _
	        " ORDER BY userlists.profileuURL;"
	_OpenDB($dbHandle, "read")
	$iRval = _SQLite_GetTable ( $dbHandle, $sSQL, $names, $iRows, $iColumns, 254 ) ; 1-d-Table einfacher zu durchsuchen
	_Update_Abgleichen_in_Gui("GetTable OK.")

The error occours in developer mode as well as in compiled files. Same behavior in _SQLite_GetTable2d. Resultrows ca. 35000. There is not a special limit to this. My DB grows. The Error occoured with 32000 results with the same frequency. Probability for this error can be increased by doing the GetTable multiple times in one application run. In general, the application works. When I build a workaround and get the table line by line, I have no errors. But that is dead slow.

-- Beejai

#127 No Bug GUICtrlCreateDate -> GUICtrlSetData wrong on Timefields Beejai <bjoern@…>


when you create a Datepicker with GUICtrlCreateDate and make it "$DTS_TIMEFORMAT" to be a timepicker, the control looks fine. GUICtrlRead works fine on it and gets the time string. But GUICtrlSetData does not work as expected. When I try to fill the field with that function with a timestring, the result is wrong. Only when I add a Date to the Timestring, it displays the correct time:

GUICtrlSetData(Eval ( "Time1"),"2000/01/01 " & $PEA_time[1])

This is unexpected, because GUICtrlRead returns only the time.

#10 Completed _IsPressed Keys list Gary Bert

The hex key list seems to have dissapeared from the helpfile. I did manage to find them under ASCII key codes though.

If possible, could a link please be added to the helpfile, directing the reader to the correct page with the key codes or the key codes being added back? Personally, I like the 1st option better. =]



Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.