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Results (115 - 117 of 3870)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2729 No Bug 32-bit integers converted to doubles after division czardas

Perhaps not everyone will agree with me, but I consider this a bug:

Local $sHex12 = 8987712 ; This is an integer.

While Not Mod($sHex12 ,2) ; Floats are not allowed
    $sHex12 /=2 ; The loop terminates when this value becomes odd

MsgBox(0, $sHex12, IsInt($sHex12)) ; This is still an integer: since it has been forced in the code above

; $sHex12 = Int($sHex12) ; Converting to an Integer fixes the problem

$sHex12 = Hex($sHex12, 6) ; 000000 is the wrong answer
MsgBox(0, "", $sHex12) ; The 32-bit int has been converted to a double

The conversion to a double messes up bitwise functionality with 32-bit integers, and it also seems to contradict my (perhaps limited) understanding of consistency with programming language architecture. The division in my code above should never produce a float. This bug first appeared in AutoIt v

Also related to this issue is the inconsistency with IsInt() contradicting IsFloat().

#2185 Fixed 32-bit scripts in system32 on 64-bit Windows probably fail when using FileInstall() Valik

Check that FileInstall() works when a 32-bit script is stored in system32 on 64-bit Windows. If it does fail - like I expect - then fix it.

Reminder to self.

#1717 No Bug 32Bit Compiled exe with a Ping does not work on a 64 Bit Windows 7 akann@…

If you use the Ping(..) function in a 32bit compiled script on an 64bit computer, the ping function always returns 1 as roundtrip and 0 as error, even if the pinged host is not existent. Compiling as 64bit executable works fine.

Even running the *.au3 with AutoIt3.exe or AutoIt3_x64.exe works well and returns correct values. (0 as roundtrip and error = 1 Host offline.

Script used:

Global $dest="" ; + 1, not existent If @Compiled Then $dest = $CmdLine[1] $rt = Ping ($dest, 1000) MsgBox (16,"", "Dest.: " &$dest &" ! Roundtrip: " &$rt &" ! Error: " &@error)

Tested on:

W7 x64 MUI DE, w2k3 se x64 EN, xp de 32Bit and w2k3 32 bit de (Sorry, no vista, no W7 32Bit, xp 64 available.)

All run as virtual machines on Vmware Player latest version, all latest service packs and all windows updates installed.

Best Regards Andreas Kann, Germany

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