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Results (118 - 120 of 3874)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#10 | Completed | _IsPressed Keys list | Gary | Bert |
Description |
The hex key list seems to have dissapeared from the helpfile. I did manage to find them under ASCII key codes though. If possible, could a link please be added to the helpfile, directing the reader to the correct page with the key codes or the key codes being added back? Personally, I like the 1st option better. =] Thanks, Brett |
#38 | Duplicate | _SoundLength | Bert | |
Description |
Ok. This is my script: #include <Sound.au3> $SND = _SoundOpen(FileOpenDialog ("", "", "MP3 Audio Files (*.*)")) $LEN = _SoundLength ($SND, 2) ClipPut ($LEN) I need to get the length of a MP3 file in milliseconds. And now, for some reason, this returns nothing for me? But, change the 2 in _SoundLength to 1 and it works? Win XP SP2, AutoIt V3.2.10.0 Thanks, Brett |
#83 | Fixed | _ChooseFont | Gary | Bert |
Description |
The syntax in the helpfile says: #Include <Misc.au3> _ChooseFont([$sFontName = "Courier New"[, $iPointSize = 10[, $iColorRef = 0[, $iFontWeight = 0[, $iItalic = False[, $iUnderline = False[, $iStrikethru = False[, $hWndOwner = 0]]]]]]]]) And then the params says: $sFontName Default font name $iPointSize Pointsize of font $iColorRef COLORREF rgbColors $iFontWeight Font Weight $iItalic Italic $iUnderline Underline $iStrikethru Optional: Strikethru It's missing $hWndOwner... :) |