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Results (121 - 123 of 3875)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3954 Fixed links do not work Jpm Tweaky

In the help file, several links do not work on the following page. For example, the highlighted ones. See picture.

#2954 Rejected latest version of scite does not show correctly Jos anonymous

the latest version of scite does not show correctly when user's os is win7 and user enlarge it to 125% , in such case, some strings go altogether(seems only easten language strings like chinese charcaters will cause this issue) and make a mess(see attachment "bug.jpg"),and when user change font setting of scite, following error showed

[string "editor.CallTipPosition(1)"]:1: Pane function / readable property / indexed writable property name expected

Lua: error occurred while processing command

ps: when user change font settings, it will be normal(see attachment "normal.jpg") just after user apply the changes,but when user close the editor and open again, the error occurs again.

I tested older version such as ver 2.2.7, no such problem

#1062 No Bug language support xyz33

GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem doesn't support korean language

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