Custom Query


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Results (121 - 123 of 3871)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#122 No Bug StringSplit does not return the string if no split found with separator with multiple characters as individual characters anonymous

StringSplit does not return the string if no split found with separator with multiple characters as individual characters. "Local $arFileF = StringSplit("c", "aBc", 0)" Best, Randall

#123 Rejected I have added two user functions to array.au3 doug@…

Total - returns the total of all values in an array Average - returns the average of all values in an array

Files are included with the additions.

#124 Rejected Active Directory Integration - being able to query/enumerate AD objects ctwoodward@…

It would be a great feature addition (and I imagine by no means simple) to be able to work with Active Directory (Or Any LDAP I guess). Read only access would be fine. Being able to enumerate OUs and CNs similar to RegEnumValue and RegEnumKey.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.