Custom Query
Results (121 - 123 of 3876)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#388 | Fixed | _GUICtrlToolbar_SetButtonSize example in helpfile incorrect | Gary | volly |
Description |
Example for _GUICtrlToolbar_SetButtonSize does not show command being used. It shows $aSize = _GUICtrlToolbar_GetButtonSize ($hToolbar). This example is for _GUICtrlToolbar_GetButtonSize. Latest beta helpfile also has error. |
#390 | Fixed | Bugfix in visa.au3 | Gary | jdoering@… |
Description |
In the visa.au3 not only the DLLCall for viQueryf needs the int:cdecl declaration but also the viPrintf DLLCall. So the calls must look like this: ((( $a_results = DllCall("visa32.dll", "int:cdecl", "viPrintf", "int", $h_session, "str", "%s", "str", $s_command) ))) |
#392 | Fixed | Tidy Region Nesting | Jos | LongBowNZ |
Description |
#Region - 1 #Region - 2 #EndRegion - 2 #EndRegion - 1 The above changes to below when tidy is used #Region - 1 #Region - 2 #EndRegion - 2 #EndRegion - 2 More Info: |
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