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Results (127 - 129 of 3866)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3547 Completed @ErrorStdOut or $ErrorStdOut for /ErrorStdOut Jpm argumentum

to make a reserved variable, as is in the case of $CmdLineRaw, or a macro, to hold the output from "AutoIt Error", to be held in a similar variable, let's say $ErrorStdOut, to be available at OnAutoItExitRegister(), just as @exitMethod is there, maybe @ErrorStdOut or $ErrorStdOut can be available.

#609 Rejected @FunctionName, VarGetName() Viring

I don't have knowledge of the internal workings of AutoIt or how Functions, and Variables are kept in memory. So I won't expect this to be even considered, and I will keep this short.

@FunctionName: will return the current name of the function in use. VarGetName() will return the current name of an said variable

Thanks for your wasted time.

#1870 Fixed @GUI_DRAGFILE Jon anonymous

The @GUI_DRAGFILE seems to return an extra 2 bytes, assumably a @CRLF, when a file is dropped onto an Edit control, as opposed to the return string when dropped e.g. onto a button.

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