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Results (139 - 141 of 3876)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#277 Completed @ProcessorArch Valik Jon

I think @ProcessorArch is badly named as it gives the OS architecture where is should give the CPU architecture.

Suggest we change it, and add an @OSArch macro as well.

#575 No Bug @ProgramFilesDir JPPercy

It doesn't work correctly in Windows Vista Portuguese.

MsgBox (0, "", @ProgramFilesDir )

My Windows Vista is in Portuguese, then it needs to return "c:\Arquivos de Programas" but it returns "c:\Program Files"

#2590 No Bug @ProgramFilesDir results different for AutoIt 32bit and 64bit install. dogsurfer

Shouldn't @ProgramFilesDir give the same results for compatible or native install?

@ProgramFilesDir results AutoIt 32bit install: C:\Program Files (x86) AutoIt 64bit install: C:\Program Files

Test script on Win7sp1-64bit:

MsgBox(0, @AutoItX64, @ProgramFilesDir)
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