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Results (142 - 144 of 3870)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2360 Rejected implement optional byref parameter passing to function JoeCool

Currently passing optional parameters is by value only...

I will love to have optional byref parameter passing

With the current syntax there is some problems tho

ex. the last parameter could be byref and optional

func blah( $x, byref $a, byref $b = 0) ... endfunc

Passing no value is not more difficult than before, I guess ... Passing something byref is just passing a pointer(of some sort on the stack).... (we need to deal with initiazation to something not 0)

Better solution maybe will be to have a optional specifier ...

func blah( $x, byref $a, opt byref $b , opt $c = 22 ) ... endfunc

because initializing byref var (a pointer) to something can be dangerous ... func blah( $x, byref $a, byref $b = 0x6666) ;not good endfunc

what do you thing .... it can be pretty useful I think

#2551 No Bug if's and const's matthew.lagoe@…

When you put a global const in an if statement you get a previously declared as a 'Const' error

if @Compiled Then
	Global Const $configfile = @AppDataDir & "\X2Stor\config.ini"
	Global Const $configfile = @ScriptDir & "\config.ini"
#2235 Fixed if process not exist,ProcessGetStats will not return 0. Valik thesnoW
#include <Array.au3> 
Local $a=ProcessGetStats(12345678,1)
If $a <> 0 Then 
        ConsoleWrite($a[0] & @TAB & $a[1] & @CRLF)

if process not exist,ProcessGetStats will not return 0.

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