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Results (148 - 150 of 3871)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2812 Completed @ScriptLineNumber - HelpFile - Clarification Melba23 mLipok

HelpFile do not say anything about @ScriptLineNumber that it is related to au3 file

here is repro script which show what I mean:

Local $sTEMP
For $i = 1 To 30
	$sTEMP &= @CRLF
	If $i = 20 Then
		FileWrite('ScriptLineNumber_UDF1.au3', _
				$sTEMP & _
				'ConsoleWrite("UDF1: " & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF)' & _
FileWrite('ScriptLineNumber_UDF2.au3', _
		$sTEMP & _
		'ConsoleWrite("UDF2: " & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF)' & _
FileWrite('ScriptLineNumber_TEST.au3', _
		'#include "ScriptLineNumber_UDF1.au3"' & @CRLF & _
		'#include "ScriptLineNumber_UDF2.au3"' & @CRLF & _
		'ConsoleWrite("MAIN SCRIPT: " & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF)' & @CRLF & _

ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\ScriptLineNumber_TEST.au3")
MsgBox(0, '', 'Now try to RUN (ScriptLineNumber_TEST.au3) using F5 in SCITE')

Please consider extending the description in the documentation.

#3251 No Bug @ScriptLineNumber as optional parameter in stripped script not working as expectde cosote@…

@ScriptLineNumber as optional parameter is quite useful for custom debug/trace functions. And the value is from caller scope as I hoped. Unfortunately the Au3Stripper /rsln is not putting the line# in function call, rather as default option in func declaration. Only work-a-round I see currently is putting the @ScriptLineNumber in all calls as parameter...

#687 No Bug @Unicode exodius

Per the Changelog dated 16th May, 2008 - v3.2.12.0: Changed: @Unicode renamed in @AutoItUnicode. @Unicode is an alias for now. It will be removed >

@AutoItUnicode appears in the Macro Reference list/Index of the current production version ( but doesn't appear in Macro Reference list/Index of the current Beta(

GuiCtrlCreateDate's example still uses @Unicode.

And finally, neither @AutoItUnicode nor @Unicode appear in the SciTe lexer/suggestions (so the use of either throws potential error warnings).

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.