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Results (154 - 156 of 3870)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#155 Wont Fix Auto resize of GUICtrlCreateGraphic control notify area. (?) M.v.Gulik


Run into something that stuck me as odd. Other than than I'm not sure what to make of it. (AutoIt-bug,Win-bug, or No-bug)

When resizing a resizeble gui-window, with a GUICtrlCreateGraphic control in it. the visual graphic of the graphic-control stays as it is. (as expected) but the notification area of that graphic control is however (auto)resized. (?)

M.v.Gulik. Xp.Pro.Sp2, AutoIt.beta. (only testes on

included au3 file. (run and resize) Grahic controle item = white area + blue border. Fake notify area = black border area.

#156 Rejected Custom Defined Types - Recordset Jonathan.Hirtler@…

It would be good to be able to define a custom type or record set. i.e. Type Application

AppName AppCmd AppPath

End Type

$app.AppName = "command prompt" $app.AppCmd = "cmd.exe"

and array support for custom types i.e. $app[1].AppName = "blah" $app[1].AppCmd = "blah.exe" etc

#157 No Bug AutoIT Info does not see all controlls in windows Vista Lang

Using the following code to get to the window in question, you will find that auto IT can not see any or a least most of the controls on some windows in Vista. Note: Your wireless adaptor is assumed to be nammed 'Wireless'. You can either change the name I used or change your adaptor's name. I am attaching the code as well as the information the AutoIT info viewer reports. The mouse was over the control I wish to use, but it does not appear in the info text.

To open this window manually (in case my script doesn't work for you: Open Network properties: Right click on wireless network adapter Select: Connect/Disconnect In New window - Connect to a network: Select Open and Network sharing center

It is on this window that I wish to select "Manage wireless Networks" I Have attached what my info box displays with the mouse over this control.

Also of note: The window launched by this control has the same issues, but these issues are worse from my perspective since I can't tell when certain controls like remove are present and I can;t seem to get a list of network profiles I have set up.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.