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Results (157 - 159 of 3866)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1715 Rejected Calculation for Easter to be added to Date.au3 Gary czardas

It was suggested to me that the following UDF would make a nice addition to Date.au3


; #FUNCTION# ======================================================================================
; Name...........: _DateEaster
; Description ...: Calculates Easter Sunday for a given year.
; Syntax.........: _DateEaster($iYr)
; Parameters ....: $iYr     - The year used to calculate Easter
; Return values .: Success  - Easter in the format YYYY/MM/DD
;                  Failure  - Returns an empty string and sets @error = 1
; Author ........: David Hodges, (conversion to AutoIt by czardas)
; Remarks .......: Applies to the revised calculation in the Gregorian calendar from 1583 to 4099 AD.
; Related .......:
; Example .......; Yes
; ==================================================================================================

Func _DateEaster($iYr)
    If StringIsInt($iYr) = 0 Or $iYr < 1583 Or $iYr > 4099 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")

    Local $iA, $iB, $iC, $iD, $iE, $iF, $iG, $iH, $iJ, $iK, $iM, $iDy, $iMth
    $iA = Int($iYr / 100)
    $iB = Mod($iYr, 100)
    $iC = Int(3 * ($iA + 25) / 4)
    $iD = Mod (3 * ($iA + 25), 4)
    $iE = Int(8 * ($iA + 11) / 25)
    $iF = Mod(5 * $iA + $iB, 19)
    $iG = Mod((19 * $iF + $iC - $iE), 30)
    $iH = Int((11 * $iG + $iF) / 319)
    $iJ = Int((60 * (5 - $iD) + $iB) / 4)
    $iK = Mod(60 * (5 - $iD) + $iB, 4)
    $iM = Mod(2 * $iJ - $iK - $iG + $iH, 7)
    $iDy = Mod($iG - $iH + $iM + 114, 31) + 1
    $iMth = Int(($iG - $iH + $iM + 114) / 31)

    If $iDy < 10 Then $iDy = String("0" & $iDy)
    Return $iYr & "/0" & $iMth & "/" & $iDy


#include 'EasterHodges.au3'

Local $EasterSunday = _DateEaster(@YEAR)
If @error Then Exit
ConsoleWrite($EasterSunday & @CRLF)

If you decide the code requires revision, I will do my best to implement any changes you suggest. If you have any other concerns, please let me know.

#1747 No Bug _Min and _Max inconsistency Gary madflame991@…
MsgBox(0,'',Sqrt('64')) ;prints 8
MsgBox(0,'',_Min('3','4')) ;prints 0 and sets @error

_Min and _Max should behave like any built-in math function when it is given strings who are convertible to integers

#1767 Rejected _IETableWriteToArray does not handle Rowspan, ColSpan, and strips tags inside data fields Gary ibigpapa@…

UDF Function:



Colspans: The cells that are spanned are left blank. Recommendation:

  1. Repeat data from Colspan cell into the cell(s) it spans
  2. Insert a token into the spanned cell(s) that show it was spanned allowing the user to decide what to do the with the cell

Rowspans: The row(s) that are spanned are filled with data from the incorrect column. This results in column fields being misaligned. Recommendation:

  1. Copy data from rowspan cell into cells it spans
  2. Insert a token into spanned cells that show it was spanned allowing the user to decide what to do the with the cell

Strips Tags: html tags inside the <td> or <th> fields are stripped. This can result in a table nested inside another one to be lost. Recommendation: Parameter to give the user a choice to strip fields.

Reproduction Variables:

I have attached a script that will show the issue and display the array results in a message box. Tested on current Beta and Stable versions of AutoIt. Version Tested: AutoIt Stable : AutoIt Beta : IE.au3 Stable : 2.4-1 IE.au3 Beta : 2.4-1

I would be happy to help develop additions after reviewing development guidelines.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.