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Results (163 - 165 of 3870)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1266 Works For Me Compile not found in context menu of 64bit windows Jon BrammerTheHammer@…

There is no compile found in the context menu of 64 bit Windows. I remember there being one in 32bit WinXP, but this option is not present in 64bit versions of WinXP, Vista, and Win7. This was a very useful and time saving option, that I would like to see in 64 bit version. I have not tested to see if the compile option shows up in a 32 bit explorer window run under the 64 bit OS (if you do not understand this statement please ignore).

I installed AutoIt 3.3.0 with 64 bit support.

Thank you.

#1921 Wont Fix _ArrayUnique BrewManNH

It states in the help file that _ArrayUnique "Returns the Unique Elements of a 1-dimensional array.", fundamentally this is incorrect. What _ArrayUnique does is it returns a 1-dimensional array, while the incoming array can be multi-dimensioned. If you use the $iDimension parameter you can tell it to only return the unique items on whichever column you'd like.

See the example below, it will return the unique items from the 3rd column (first column is 1 when using _ArrayUnique)

#include <Array.au3>
Local $Array[4][6] = [["FirstName", "LastName", "IDNumber", "Location", "Grade", "Action"],["john", "smith", "111222", "Denver", "2", "enroll"],["jack", "jones", "333444", "denver", "4", "withdraw"],["jack", "jones", "333444", "lasvegas", "4", "enroll"]]
$Array = _ArrayUnique($Array, 3)

It would be nice if the documentation could be changed to reflect the true usage of the function.

#2014 Rejected Updated Array.au3 UDF to be used with 2D arrays Gary BrewManNH

I have modified several of the _Array functions, that previously only handled 1D arrays, to handle both 1D and 2D arrays. I added 4 new array functions, 2 of which are modified versions of the 1D array functions with similar names. This collection of UDFs can take the place of the standard _Array functions without any code changes as they are just additional functionality with any added parameters being added at the end, and with default settings applied.

There is also an updated _ArrayDisplay function included which autosizes the GUI and the listview column widths.

This is a list of the functions included and I've marked the ones that have been modified. ; #CURRENT# ============================================================= ;_ArrayAdd * ;_ArrayBinarySearch * ;_ArrayCombinations ;_ArrayConcatenate * ;_ArrayDelete ;_ArrayDisplay * ;_ArrayFindAll ;_ArrayInsert * ;_ArrayMax * ;_ArrayMaxIndex ;_ArrayMin * ;_ArrayMinIndex ;_ArrayPermute ;_ArrayPop * ;_ArrayPush * ;_ArrayReverse * ;_ArraySearch ;_ArraySort ;_ArraySwap ;_ArrayToClip * ;_ArrayToString * ;_ArrayTrim * ;_ArrayUnique (Corrected the header information) ; * - #MODIFIED FUNCTIONS# ; ============================================================= ; #NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED# ; ============================================================= ;_ArrayAddColumns ;_ArrayDeleteColumn ;_ArrayMaxIndex2D ;_ArrayMinIndex2D ; =============================================================

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