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Results (163 - 165 of 3875)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#574 Fixed Problem with sending the Windows Key + L Valik Ainner

I'm using the Novell client.


This lock the workstation but the "l" key doesn't work anymore unless I press the windows key to unlock it.

I tested it with an older version of AutoIt and it work no problem.

#583 Fixed Using @MSEC produces an error Valik dormmamu

Using the latest Beta v3.2.13.7 the recently added @MSEC macro produces an error when the Beta syntax check is run.

The macro is not found in the au3.api so the syntax is not highlighted as a useable macro in an AutoIt script.

#585 Fixed _Singleton with iFlag = 1 returns mutex handle on success Valik wraithdu

The documentation says the return value of _Singleton is 1 when successful and iFlag = 1. However the function returns the mutex handle.

This is fine! So either the documentation on the return value should be changed to reflect this, or the function should be updated to return 1 upon success.

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