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Results (172 - 174 of 3866)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2297 Fixed Tidy copying last line(s) of script to top of the script Jos BrewManNH

Occasionally when I run Tidy on a script, with or without any custom settings for Tidy, I will get the last line or 2 posted to the top of the script

#endregion Function listing
#region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****

The #endregion directive is actually the last line of my script, and it got stuck up at the top of the script. Sometimes the line that gets put at the top of the script is missing from the file after the Tidy process has finished, most of the time it's still there, just copied.

This doesn't happen everytime I use it, but it happens frequently enough that I figured I should let someone know about it.

Also, this happens on large or small scripts of only a few lines. It also doesn't matter which OS I'm using as it happens on XP (x86), Vista (x64 and x86) and Windows 7 (x64 and x86).

#2320 Fixed _IENavigate return values guinness BrewManNH

It appears from looking at the _IENavigate function that the return values from it don't match with the description in the help file. The function is supposed to return a value of -1 if it was successful, and 0 if there was a problem.

This section returns -1 with @error set if any errors are encountered in the _IELoadWait function and are passed from _IENavigate as a success, but with the @error value set to the error.

If $f_wait Then
	Return SetError(@error, 0, -1)
#2325 Rejected _FilleWriteFromArray doesn't work with Unicode text BrewManNH

In the File.au3 UDF _FileWriteFromArray, when passed a file name and not a handle, will open a file in OverWrite mode only. This means that if there's any Unicode characters in the array, they're written as question marks in the file.

$hFile = FileOpen($File, $FO_OVERWRITE)

I think that an easy fix/change for this would be to open it using 1 + 128 ($FO_OVERWRITE + $FO_UTF8) for UTF-8 with BOM or 1 + 256 ($FO_OVERWRITE + $FO_UTF8_NOBOM) to make it more compatable with Unicode.

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