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Results (172 - 174 of 3870)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2113 Fixed AU3Check misinterprets some object's property names as AI keywords trancexx jchd

AU3Check raises an error on object's property names which are also (some but not all) AutoIt keywords like: For, In, Step, While, ElseIf, etc. Some keywords don't raise the error: Next, EndIf, Wend, etc.

To use problematic keywords as property name, append parenthesis after the name, just as if it was a method e.g. $self.Step(). This works AFAIK.

#include "autoitobject.au3"


Local $oTest = _test()
ConsoleWrite($oTest.Step & @LF)

Func _test()
    Local $class = _AutoItObject_Create()
    _AutoItObject_AddProperty($class, "Step", $ELSCOPE_PUBLIC, "Sample 'Step' property value")
    Return $class

Discussed here:

#3153 Rejected AU3Check to change SciTE console results output sequence anonymous

Now AU3Check provide results (in SciTE console) for current script in the end of the sequence of the output test results (after errors/warnings in the includes).

If results for current script can be in the beginning of list, it should be more convenient...

#2016 Fixed AU3Check will fail with DllCallAddress thesnoW

the parm number of DllCallAddress too small. dllcall is 255,but DllCallAddress only 6...

#Include <WinAPIEx.au3> $hm=_WinAPI_LoadLibrary('user32.dll') $x=_WinAPI_GetProcAddress($hm,'MessageBoxW') DllCallAddress('long',$x,'hwnd',0,'wstr','too samll','wstr','TEST','int',32)

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