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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1670 Fixed SciTE4AutoIt3 Abbreviation Expanson Errors Jos AdamUL

When I type the following abbreviations in SciTE, it does the following: ifthen : Will not expand the abbreviation by pressing the space bar or using ctrl+b due to it automatically capitalizing the "i" in if. ifelse : Will capitalize the "i" in if causing only the last 2 characters "se" to expand making it "IfelSetError()". ifelseif : Will not expand the abbreviation by pressing the space bar or using ctrl+b due to it automatically capitalizing the "i" in if. dountil : Will not expand the abbreviation by pressing the space bar or using ctrl+b due to it automatically capitalizing the "d" in Do. whilewend : Will not expand the abbreviation by pressing the space bar or using ctrl+b due to it automatically capitalizing the "w" in while. selectcase : Will capitalize the "s" in select causing only the last 2 characters "se" to expand making it "SelectcaSetError()". switchcase : Will capitalize the "s" in switch causing only the last 2 characters "se" to expand making it "SwitchcaSetError()".

These are all that I have found as of now, but there could be more. It seems due to SciTE making the first letter capitalized when if recognizes that it is a keyword, but does not make it letter lower case again after the typed word is not a keyword as you continue to type.

#2880 Fixed Example for _WinAPI_OpenProcess Jpm AdamUL

There is not an example for _WinAPI_OpenProcess, but there is an example for _WinAPI_GetExitCodeProcess that uses _WinAPI_OpenProcess. Couldn't the same example be used for both?

#2893 Fixed Excel UDF - Script Breaking Changes AdamUL

The Excel UDF - Script Breaking Changes page needs to be updated. It shows _ExcelSheetActivate as a new function name _Excel_SheetActivate, but it has been removed from the UDF.

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