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Results (217 - 219 of 3870)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#404 No Bug the time of the Sleep() command is vague De`ak (bigdeak@…

Hello Developers,

i did some tests on vista and windows XP, the sleep times of the sleep command is really vagua. I'm working on a software, where i need a sleep of 1 ms, but if i use Sleep( 1 ), the real stop time is 10 ms on Vista and 15 ms on xp. Here is a source code of testing the Sleep() function:

while 1
	$begin = TimerInit()
	Sleep( 1 )
	$dif = TimerDiff($begin)
	ConsoleWrite($dif & @CRLF)

The strange thing is: If you give a time of 11 ms on Vista, the sleep time is 21 ms (on xp the time is given: 16 ms -> 31 ms), or 22 for 32 ms on Vista etc.

it would be nice if the Sleep() function is preciser...

sorry for my bad english XD

#405 No Bug GUI bug blade_quest@…

The single line in any Auto-It script I write is picked up by many anti-virus companies (I used jotti online malware/virus scanner) as a Sohanad virus/worm variant. This was with Auto-It versions before the latest one as of today, June 23 2008. Now however I'm receiving virus detections in the scripts labeled as Virus.VirTool.Win32.MS04.028.a (Ikarus Antivirus), and Trojan-Spy.Win32.KeyLogger.hfand (VBA32 Antivirus).

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Is there a reason for this false positive? I've reported the issue to the virus companies myself, but they never responded to my submitted tickets. I tore my scripts apart trying to find what the virus scanners were picking up on, and the single include file above is the sole cause of the false positive. I compiled the script with just the single line above in the code. I've uninstalled my auto-it and reinstalled the newest versions from the auto-it website and I still receive the false positive. Can you guy's fix the GUIConstants.au3 file so it is no longer detected as a virus? Much thanks to you in advance!

BTW I'm using Auto-it Version and SciTE Version 1.76. The script was compiled without UPX etc, with all default options.

#406 No Bug GUI include file bug! blade_quest@…

The single line in any Auto-It script I write is picked up by many anti-virus companies (I used jotti online malware/virus scanner) as a Sohanad virus/worm variant. This was with Auto-It versions before the latest one as of today, June 23 2008. Now however I'm receiving virus detections in the scripts labeled as Virus.VirTool.Win32.MS04.028.a (Ikarus Antivirus), and Trojan-Spy.Win32.KeyLogger.hfand (VBA32 Antivirus).

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Is there a reason for this false positive? I've reported the issue to the virus companies myself, but they never responded to my submitted tickets. I tore my scripts apart trying to find what the virus scanners were picking up on, and the single include file above is the sole cause of the false positive. I compiled the script with just the single line above in the code. I've uninstalled my auto-it and reinstalled the newest versions from the auto-it website and I still receive the false positive. Can you guy's fix the GUIConstants.au3 file so it is no longer detected as a virus? Much thanks to you in advance!

BTW I'm using Auto-it Version and SciTE Version 1.76. The script was compiled without UPX etc, with all default options.

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