Custom Query


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Results (2801 - 2900 of 3876)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Milestone Component Version
#3210 None of the $iCharSets are declared in GuiRichEdit.au3 Jpm Feature Request AutoIt
#3212 Fast Shutdown Feature Request AutoIt
#3213 _Arraydisplay() (from Array.au3) may truncate headers since their max widths are unchecked Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3221 AutoItWrapper not stopping if #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before fails Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3222 FileInstall Jpm Feature Request Documentation
#3228 Return empty string on failure for _ArrayToString Feature Request AutoIt
#3229 Aut2Exe - Shows popup dialoags from AutoIt3Wrapper when running silent Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3238 Au3info doesn't compensate for DPI scaling Jon Feature Request Au3Info
#3240 Constanst for _PathSplit's returned array guinness Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3250 New directive for changing AutoIt's Stack Depth Feature Request AutoIt
#3272 suggesting 2 features that would be really useful Feature Request AutoIt
#3275 free/unset variable Feature Request AutoIt
#3407 coupon code worked yesterday Feature Request Aut2Exe
#3514 Add a treeview UDF calling $TVGN_LASTVISIBLE Jpm Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3515 Assigning directly a value to an element of an array in array Feature Request AutoIt
#3538 Make ByRef parameters for _PathSplit optional Melba23 Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3539 FileGetTime ( "filename" [, option = 0 [, format = 0], UTC=0]]] ) Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3543 New example script for "Ternary" operator's help page Feature Request Documentation
#3547 @ErrorStdOut or $ErrorStdOut for /ErrorStdOut Jpm Feature Request AutoIt
#3550 New Date And Time Function Jpm Feature Request AutoIt
#3553 _SQLite_Startup() - cannot use SQLite.dll without "_x64" suffix in 64 bit script Feature Request AutoIt
#3554 Ini functions should be documentated as containing limitations Feature Request AutoIt
#3559 ArrayAdd item-delimited string erroneously stores Booleans as strings / Feature request func Bool() Feature Request AutoIt
#3561 Improved support for tk widgets Feature Request AutoIt
#3574 $ES_PASSWORD limits input length to control width, Add note about using $ES_AUTOHSCROLL to Help File Jpm Feature Request Documentation
#3576 _PathSplit Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3579 Clarification of Help for DllStructGetData(): never returns an array Jpm Feature Request Documentation
#3593 IsFunc() - check if function exist by string Feature Request AutoIt
#3611 _GUICtrlListView_SetBkHBITMAP() Jpm Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3613 New Macro @ScriptFunction Feature Request AutoIt
#3617 Hot Strings Feature Request AutoIt
#3627 Feature Request: AutoItWinGetHandle() Feature Request AutoIt
#3629 Line Number in Arraydisplay Feature Request AutoIt
#3630 Superscripting attribute in the Rich Edit control doesn't work Feature Request AutoIt
#3634 _FileListToArray error codes Feature Request AutoIt
#3636 Prevent Ampersand Mnemonic from SplashTextOn Dialog Jos Feature Request AutoIt
#3645 StringRegExpSplit Feature Request AutoIt
#3649 Add the word glob to docs for search engines Jos Feature Request Documentation
#3653 Can't set value of element of nested array Feature Request AutoIt
#3654 _IECreateEmbedded isn't accessibil with screen readers Feature Request AutoIt
#3655 we need more protection on aut2exe Feature Request Aut2Exe
#3656 PCRE updates and security issues Feature Request AutoIt
#3661 Creating a button: want to know where it ends Feature Request AutoIt
#3662 Additional Parameter for FileGetTime() to return the milliseconds as well Jpm Feature Request AutoIt
#3663 documentation for AdlibRegister() Melba23 Feature Request Documentation
#3664 Spam Jon Feature Request AutoItX
#3670 DrveGetDrive() help: a clarification Jpm Feature Request Documentation
#3674 Forum: @Name breaks input Bug Other
#3675 $tagNETRESOURCE: Add constants Jpm Feature Request AutoIt
#3676 $tagResource Help lacks some DisplayTypes Jpm Feature Request Documentation
#3679 InetGet / InetRead - Disable Cache Option Feature Request AutoIt
#3680 Improve _ArrayBinarySearch function Melba23 Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3681 In the section "Variables" the prefix "o" is not described. Jpm Feature Request Documentation
#3684 Aut2exe.exe window title and version number Jpm Feature Request Aut2Exe
#3685 _GUICtrlTreeView_GetItemParam should use item handle instead of control id as 2nd parameter Feature Request AutoIt
#3688 <snip> Jon Feature Request AutoItX
#3695 Func _SQLite_Display2DResult($aResult, $iCellWidth = 0, $bReturn = False, $sDelim_Col = "", $sDelim_Row = @CRLF) Jpm Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3696 Func _ArrayFromString($s, $sDelim_Col = "|", $sDelim_Row = @CRLF, $iForce2D = 0) Jpm Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3699 _ArrayMin, _ArrayMinIndex, _ArrayMax, _ArrayMaxIndex: example scripts Jpm Bug Documentation
#3702 Make Execute capable of processing declarations Feature Request AutoIt
#3710 Server 2019 @OSVersion not correct Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3719 Create and manage more tray buttons than just one Feature Request AutoIt
#3721 Extra option for collapsing a region or function Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3724 _DateTimeSplit should ignore trailing Z (to accept parsing RFC3339 formated date time) Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3727 $VERSION not increased in compiled script with #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=y Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#3732 _Excel_BookList water Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3739 Scripting.dictionary Keys/Items array support for _ArrayDisplay Jpm Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3740 better _ChooseColor() Jpm Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3742 Locate Windows Shell context menu items in an extra menu Feature Request AutoIt
#3747 Want to add Select dropdown value Keyword to autoit robot framework library Feature Request Documentation
#3752 Making mod() an infix operator Feature Request AutoIt
#3763 Send() Optimisation Feature Request AutoIt
#3764 ConsoleWrite binary mode Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3766 @IncludeScriptFullPath and @IncludeScriptName Feature Request AutoIt
#3769 automatic user UDFs and/or all included files calltips parsing Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3771 $COLOR_ORANGE is missing in ColorConstants.au3 Jpm Feature Request AutoIt
#3781 Assign and Eval, Execute, they don't work like they should when it comes to variables. Feature Request AutoIt
#3783 _WinAPI_SetThreadAffinityMask, _WinAPI_SetThreadGroupAffinity, _WinAPI_ GetProcessGroupAffinity Feature Request AutoIt
#3784 StringSplit2D Feature Request AutoIt
#3787 StringRegExp Feature Request AutoIt
#3788 Can't we create empty 3D arrays Feature Request AutoIt
#3792 Map should have a count method Feature Request AutoIt
#3793 Add project explorer and open folder options in scite Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3794 StringRegExp - string passed by value instead by reference? Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3795 Missing documention for MapAppend() Feature Request Documentation
#3797 PCRE update to recent PCRE-8.44 or even to PCRE2-10.36 Feature Request AutoIt
#3800 Number() - case sensivity with scientific notation by using $NUMBER_AUTO Bug AutoIt
#3804 _GUICtrlMenu_CreateMenu() example Jpm Feature Request Documentation
#3806 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawString() with color Jpm Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3808 ProgressOn/ProgressSet - size of the progress window Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3811 _SQLite_FetchData should correctly read column data according to its type Jpm Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3813 _MemGlobalRealloc Jpm Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3816 Improvement of the example in the help of the function _WinAPI_ReadDirectoryChanges Jpm Feature Request Documentation
#3820 ProgressOn() - move feature Feature Request AutoIt
#3837 StringFormat() number of replacements performed stored in the @extended macro Feature Request AutoIt
#3839 User data in control Feature Request AutoIt
#3840 file path given does not selects properly Feature Request AutoIt
#3845 Hotkeys don't work Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#3859 Extend For…Next syntax to force loop variable to be local within the loop only Feature Request AutoIt
#3863 _WinAPI_GetCapture Jon Feature Request Standard UDFs
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.