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Results (3601 - 3700 of 3866)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Milestone Component Ticket
#3667 Continuation line with no code on it passes Au3Check but at runtime "Error parsing function call" Jon Bug AutoIt
#3668 .exe has stopped working error message Bug AutoIt
#3669 Error message "Struct" Jos Bug AutoIt
#3670 DrveGetDrive() help: a clarification Jpm Feature Request Documentation
#3671 TCPRecv/TCPAccept wrong @error detection (also -1 and -2 ...) Bug AutoIt
#3672 AutoIt v3 Installer overwrites PowerShell Envirovment Path Jos Bug Other
#3673 $aSelectedItems already declared/assigned in GuiListView.au3 func _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort Bug AutoIt
#3674 Forum: @Name breaks input Bug Other
#3675 $tagNETRESOURCE: Add constants Jpm Feature Request AutoIt
#3676 $tagResource Help lacks some DisplayTypes Jpm Feature Request Documentation
#3677 _FileListToArrayRec()'s 2nd parameter ($sMask) seems case sensitive. Bug Standard UDFs
#3678 _FileWriteToLine Melba23 Bug Standard UDFs
#3679 InetGet / InetRead - Disable Cache Option Feature Request AutoIt
#3680 Improve _ArrayBinarySearch function Melba23 Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3681 In the section "Variables" the prefix "o" is not described. Jpm Feature Request Documentation
#3682 GuiCtrlCreatePic and the "set width and height to 0" feature Jon Bug AutoIt
#3683 Variable must be of type object Bug AutoIt
#3684 Aut2exe.exe window title and version number Jpm Feature Request Aut2Exe
#3685 _GUICtrlTreeView_GetItemParam should use item handle instead of control id as 2nd parameter Feature Request AutoIt
#3686 StringReplace if running under local system account Bug AutoIt
#3687 _ColorConvertRGBtoHSL does not use right bases Melba23 Bug AutoIt
#3688 <snip> Jon Feature Request AutoItX
#3689 GUICtrlSetOnEvent Bug Jos Bug AutoIt
#3690 ieCreate function failing with Windows 10 update 1804 Bug AutoIt
#3691 Wrong link in the CLSID List page Bug Documentation
#3692 SciTE v. - the function luaL_register has removed Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#3693 Invalid File on downloads page Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#3694 WinGetSize function missing from AutoItX3_64 Jon Bug AutoItX
#3695 Func _SQLite_Display2DResult($aResult, $iCellWidth = 0, $bReturn = False, $sDelim_Col = "", $sDelim_Row = @CRLF) Jpm Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3696 Func _ArrayFromString($s, $sDelim_Col = "|", $sDelim_Row = @CRLF, $iForce2D = 0) Jpm Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3697 _WinAPI_GetOverlappedResult fails to set the [out] parameter $iBytes in some cases Jpm Bug Standard UDFs
#3698 Problems Installing SciTE.exe Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#3699 _ArrayMin, _ArrayMinIndex, _ArrayMax, _ArrayMaxIndex: example scripts Jpm Bug Documentation
#3701 Hard crash on declaring an array with more than 2^24 cells Jon Bug AutoIt
#3702 Make Execute capable of processing declarations Feature Request AutoIt
#3703 2 ^ 49 and further return wrong results Bug AutoIt
#3704 _FileWriteToLine docs update for hidden files water Bug Documentation
#3705 Fixed: Assigning objects by reference to COM properties Bug AutoIt
#3706 AutoIt3.exe /ErrorStdOut should output filename without quotes Bug AutoIt
#3707 GUISetOnEvent with empty func name does not disables the event Jos Bug AutoIt
#3708 Error in documentation for _WinAPI_LoadCursor Jpm Bug AutoIt
#3709 IniRenameSection deletes Old section instead of New section Bug AutoIt
#3710 Server 2019 @OSVersion not correct Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3711 _WinAPI_EnumWindows - Error in Helpfile example Jpm Bug Documentation
#3712 HotKeySet not sets Alt+F4 in Windows 10 Bug AutoIt
#3713 _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetEventMask - $ENM_NONE not declared in RichEditConstants.au3 Jpm Bug Standard UDFs
#3714 _GUICtrlTreeView_Sort crash with 1 element TreeView Jpm Bug Standard UDFs
#3715 Au3Stripper is unable to parse some ternary expressions Jos Bug Other
#3716 _ArrayToClip incorrect in autoit help Jpm Bug Documentation
#3718 AU3_ControlSend of AutoItX3_x64.dll doesn't work properly mvptest Bug AutoItX
#3719 Create and manage more tray buttons than just one Feature Request AutoIt
#3721 Extra option for collapsing a region or function Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3722 StdoutRead example is incorrectly parsing input and outputs incomplete information Jos Bug Documentation
#3723 Odd problem with _GUICtrlRichEdit_ReplaceText BrewManNH Bug Standard UDFs
#3724 _DateTimeSplit should ignore trailing Z (to accept parsing RFC3339 formated date time) Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3725 Regexp POSIX classes description misses some specifications Melba23 Bug Documentation
#3726 _WinAPI_PathGetArgs / _WinAPI_PathRemoveArgs -- using like the help example can lead to errors Bug Standard UDFs
#3727 $VERSION not increased in compiled script with #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=y Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#3728 _ArrayTranspose does not create 1D array from 2D array Melba23 Bug Standard UDFs
#3729 GUICtrlSetDefColor and GUICtrlSetDefBkColor cause inputs to fire other controls' events Bug AutoIt
#3730 Send("{BROWSER_HOME}") does not work anymore with newest Win10 and newest Autoit Bug AutoIt
#3732 _Excel_BookList water Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3733 _FileListToArrayRec hangs when using a UNC path Jos Bug AutoIt
#3734 TraySetOnEvent Jos Bug AutoIt
#3735 _DebugOut all output on one line Jpm Bug AutoIt
#3736 _GUICtrlTreeView_Sort fails when there is just one item in TreeView Bug Standard UDFs
#3737 _ArrayUnique fails on single element array when base set to 1 Melba23 Bug AutoIt
#3738 Com error in _IEAttach with embedded IE mLipok Bug Standard UDFs
#3739 Scripting.dictionary Keys/Items array support for _ArrayDisplay Jpm Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3740 better _ChooseColor() Jpm Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3741 ERROR IN GUISetStyle EXAMPLE Jpm Bug AutoIt
#3742 Locate Windows Shell context menu items in an extra menu Feature Request AutoIt
#3743 [LAST] and WinWaitClose, WinExists, WinGetHandle, etc Jon Bug AutoIt
#3744 _Crypt_DestroyKey() does not increment DLL handles Jpm Bug Standard UDFs
#3745 bug appears on windows 10, writing to edit control freezes script and crashes it. Melba23 Bug AutoIt
#3746 Reason behind why compiled 32-bit .exe are showing as 64-bit OS / Machine Bug AutoIt
#3747 Want to add Select dropdown value Keyword to autoit robot framework library Feature Request Documentation
#3748 Running a script from a compiled script is not launching Bug AutoIt
#3749 Example in help file is wrong (StdoutRead) Bug Documentation
#3750 Typo in helpfile Bug Documentation
#3751 Abbreviation Manager with abbreviation [ Melba23 Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#3752 Making mod() an infix operator Feature Request AutoIt
#3753 _GUICtrlListView_SetImageList does not check for errors Melba23 Bug AutoIt
#3754 Help File Error Bug AutoIt
#3755 _ArrayInsert fails with Error 3 when the Insert Positions parameter is a delimited string Melba23 Bug Standard UDFs
#3756 send() bug with individual spanish apostrophe ( ´ ) Bug AutoIt
#3757 Colors in GuiListView functions are switched Melba23 Bug Standard UDFs
#3758 _WinAPI_BrowseForFolderDlg docs mistake Melba23 Bug Documentation
#3760 Number() bug with oversized integer values Jon Bug AutoIt
#3761 _WinAPI_SetWindowPos second parameter description Melba23 Bug Documentation
#3762 au3-files are missing in src-archive Bug Documentation
#3763 Send() Optimisation Feature Request AutoIt
#3764 ConsoleWrite binary mode Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3765 _FileWriteLog Jpm Bug AutoIt
#3766 @IncludeScriptFullPath and @IncludeScriptName Feature Request AutoIt
#3769 automatic user UDFs and/or all included files calltips parsing Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3770 Invalid calculation when using exponential form Bug AutoIt
#3771 $COLOR_ORANGE is missing in ColorConstants.au3 Jpm Feature Request AutoIt
#3772 int64 = -9223372036854775808 not handled properly Jon Bug AutoIt
#3773 Return value in SetError() is limited to 32-bit valuies Bug AutoIt
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.