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Results (401 - 500 of 1105)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Type Milestone Component Ticket
#1532 ComboBox custom height not retained after window minimize Bug AutoIt
#1534 Multiple GUI windows management issue Bug AutoIt
#1535 ControlSend changes case of text Bug AutoIt
#1536 @errorcode produces a run-time error Bug AutoIt
#1538 Random(1, 1, 1) = 0 Bug AutoIt
#1540 _FileReadToArray bug? Bug AutoIt
#1543 DirMove behaviour Bug AutoIt
#1544 Error in Help file - VarGetType Bug Documentation
#1545 RegRead 64bit Bug AutoIt
#1548 Multiple listviews in one GUI behave strangely Bug AutoIt
#1553 GUICtrlSetTip() not working on Combos Bug AutoIt
#1562 multiple conditions fail Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#1563 FileExists() returns false in error when x86-compiled script runs on x64 Win 7 Bug AutoIt
#1564 Not able to get text using controlistview("","","","gettext",$index) for 64 bit machine Jpm Bug AutoIt
#1567 FileExists() returns false in error when x86-compiled script runs on x64 Win 7 Bug AutoIt
#1572 SciTE unzipped does not find help-files Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#1575 AURecord 3.3 -creates invalid calls to _WinWaitActivate Jpm Bug Other
#1577 Virus in SciTE4AutoIt3.exe ? Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#1581 IniWrite can't write a no section data Bug AutoIt
#1583 ShellExecute() verb "properties" does not work as expected Valik Bug AutoIt
#1591 about InetGetSize,InetRead...... Bug AutoIt
#1592 Int() does not set error status on fail Bug AutoIt
#1600 please check "=" Operator bug Bug AutoIt
#1605 FileExists/FileCopy can't handle spaces in file names Bug AutoIt
#1609 GUICtrlCreateGroup() size/position affected by default font size. Bug AutoIt
#1611 FileSetTime error on "linux" NAS Feature Request AutoIt
#1613 Default (keyword), Auto conversion. Bug AutoIt
#1624 _crypt_DecryptData not working in Windows 2000 Bug AutoIt
#1635 0 = "" Bug AutoIt
#1637 Certain charactered missed by StringRegExp() and the replace Bug AutoIt
#1639 Unable to delete ListviewItems created with _GUICtrlListView_AddItem Bug AutoIt
#1647 StringInStr returns wrong value when 4th parm is "Default" Bug AutoIt
#1655 GUICtrlSetImage issue on static controls Bug AutoIt
#1656 Object not being released properly Jon Bug AutoIt
#1678 DirCreate() can return 1 (success) without creating any directory Bug AutoIt
#1679 0xc00000c3 error upon exe execution Bug AutoIt
#1680 Global variable gives "Variable used without being declared" in SQLite.au3 Bug AutoIt
#1687 _IECreate/Navigate dont support login in url Bug AutoIt
#1690 GuiTreeView.au3, GuiListView.au3 and possibly others ASCII mode Bug Jon Bug Standard UDFs
#1692 GUICtrlSetOnEvent - during event fuction other event are waiting untill the function will finished. Bug AutoIt
#1701 Bug in date control Bug AutoIt
#1703 I have a problem when using "filecopy" with extension. "vbe" Bug AutoIt
#1705 Control Resizing before WinMove Bug AutoIt
#1716 HotKeySet("^{F11}", "stamp") Bug AutoIt
#1717 32Bit Compiled exe with a Ping does not work on a 64 Bit Windows 7 Bug AutoIt
#1722 GUICtrlSetStyle() and $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON Bug AutoIt
#1724 SciTE4AutoIt: Match default architecture (32 vs 64). Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#1726 BlockInput(1) does not work on win7 Bug AutoIt
#1728 Windows of compiled script stuck in the Task Bar Bug Aut2Exe
#1729 Example code for _FTP_ProgressUpload / Download is not properly formatted (no code box). Bug Documentation
#1730 REQ: Add DATABASE support Bug AutoIt
#1732 Compiled script gets terminated when running interactively under SYSTEM account and user logs off Jon Bug AutoIt
#1736 Send keystroke don't works ont locked windows session Jon Bug AutoIt
#1740 Cannot send Period (ASC 046) when using Italian OS Bug AutoIt
#1743 fileexists Bug AutoIt
#1745 Helpfile: Add _FileWriteFromArray to "Related" function list of _FileReadFromArray Bug Documentation
#1747 _Min and _Max inconsistency Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#1750 Au3Check misrepresents undefined Call as critical Jos Bug Au3Check
#1751 Ctrl key stuck after send containing ^ if BlockInput is on Bug AutoIt
#1755 In x64 Windows 7 the @HomeDrive macro returns "c:\system32" instead of "c: Bug AutoIt
#1757 1.912 - 1.854 = 0.0579999999999998 Bug AutoIt
#1761 File version compare bug Bug AutoIt
#1762 With ... EndWith crashes instead of Error. Bug AutoIt
#1764 FileCreateShortcut - cuts target to 8.3 style Bug AutoIt
#1770 Script getting pause when popup appears in IE trancexx Bug AutoIt
#1775 _Radian UDF does not work on values less that 1 Bug AutoIt
#1776 Strange MustDeclareVars Behavior Bug AutoIt
#1778 ProcessClose() is looking at other logged-in users Bug AutoIt
#1779 AutoIt Include Files Missing Includes? Bug AutoIt
#1780 Unable to get the selected node coordinates in Treeview. Bug AutoIt
#1793 Undefined Windows constants... Bug AutoIt
#1794 Opt("GuiCloseOnESC", 0) causes WinClose() to be ignored Bug AutoIt
#1796 DirCopy does not copy readonly directories unless the flag is set to overwrite Bug AutoIt
#1799 Result from TimerInit is wrong? Bug AutoIt
#1802 _WinAPI_CallWindowProc() and _WinAPI_DefWindowProc() are not Unicode version Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#1806 $iBase in _ArrayUnique() not working properly Bug AutoIt
#1809 Made an Error in script -> GUICtrlCreateButton $SS_RIGHT Create CheckBox Bug AutoIt
#1812 AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars",1) not working fully Bug AutoIt
#1814 On InputBox, the language of buttons stays in English Bug AutoIt
#1828 Strange behavior with IniWrite Bug AutoIt
#1829 Typo on documentation in running.htm Bug Documentation
#1835 Error opening file for writing during install Bug AutoIt
#1840 _Singleton's documentation lacks $iFlag's default Bug Documentation
#1847 AutoIt cannot control QuoteTracker Bug AutoIt
#1850 RunAsWait() return value Bug Documentation
#1853 BinaryLen of hex expression computed string long Bug AutoIt
#1864 Not properly install in Debain Operating System Bug AutoIt
#1865 Unexpected shutdown after calling Shutdown(2) Bug AutoIt
#1867 SciTE4AutoIt3 @OSVersion is WIN_VISTA, when actually WIN_7 Jos Bug AutoIt
#1871 RegRead error on Win64 using Win32 compile Bug AutoIt
#1880 Two unexplainable "error in expression" Bug AutoIt
#1881 _VersionCompare Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#1888 User Profile Bug Other
#1909 little problem with an updown control Bug AutoIt
#1912 Run() does not work on x64 when compiled as x86 Bug AutoIt
#1915 Running script in SCITE doesnt work Bug AutoIt
#1924 Hiding one Edit affects the text in another. Bug AutoIt
#1928 SoundPlay does not work after FileOpenDialog Bug AutoIt
#1937 _ExcelReadSheetToArray doesn`t work Bug AutoIt
#1944 AdlibUnRegister not working trusty Bug AutoIt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.