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Results (701 - 743 of 743)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ticket Summary Milestone Component Resolution Reporter
#1737 gui enhancements for touch screens AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#349 guiconstants.au3 AutoIt Rejected jennico
#807 help AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1507 help file improvement Documentation Works For Me psraman@…
#1169 high-level Recording AutoIt Rejected hagikura
#3088 ie.au3 readystate enums Standard UDFs Rejected mLipok
#2360 implement optional byref parameter passing to function AutoIt Rejected JoeCool
#2778 include REGEXP function in to SQLite Standard UDFs Rejected anonymous
#1550 inireadsection AutoIt Rejected lite
#2151 integrate signtool in AutoIt3Wrapper Other Rejected anonymous
#2969 label size AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1795 long "long path" support AutoIt Rejected thesnoW
#2638 macros.htm - proposal Documentation Rejected mlipok
#2633 more possibilities when assigning values to variables AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#829 move in SCITE the tabbed-windows AutoIt Rejected godzail/gadzail
#1173 mysql UDF Standard UDFs Rejected Tyger
#1186 native support of array "slices" as Lvalue and Rvalue AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#459 need run under pure dos AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#241 new dllcall type AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#866 new function FileGetDir( ) AutoIt Rejected txj
#2727 optional Datatypes AutoIt Wont Fix anonymous
#1906 reparse point AutoIt Rejected xrewndel
#2020 request: StringLTrim($str) and StringRTrim($str) AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1590 restore FileOpen("con", 4) in AutoIt AutoIt Rejected txj
#423 samples SciTE4AutoIt Rejected iceberg
#1303 script to replace the @ScriptLineNumbe SciTE4AutoIt Rejected Odin
#3000 scriptline AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#429 shellexecute() new feature AutoIt Rejected lookinmyeyes
#456 simple drawing commands AutoIt Rejected richardbrew@…
#1598 standalone combobox function (like inputbox) AutoIt Rejected gcue
#772 stringstripLF AutoIt Rejected chiknfrmr@…
#3272 suggesting 2 features that would be really useful AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2987 support PCRE case escape sequences AutoIt Rejected iCode
#1758 tables for the gui AutoIt Rejected any
#3008 texting on a notepad AutoIt Rejected maheshit22@…
#2327 the script stops randomly please suggest some idea's. AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#57 unable to click hyperlink in any window AutoIt Rejected devendray
#2251 variables in FileInstall's "source" AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#310 visual Autoit studio AutoIt Rejected superbem
#3655 we need more protection on aut2exe Aut2Exe Rejected nacerstile@…
#643 whole array operations AutoIt Rejected khimik
#139 window identification / fixing current window AutoIt Rejected _alexei@…
#594 wintitlematchmode AutoIt Rejected anonymous
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.