
Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#3526 closed Bug (No Bug)

Syntax Coloring Not Working Intermittently with Respect to #cs and #ce Directives

Reported by: general123456789@… Owned by: Jos
Milestone: Component: SciTE4AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: syntax coloring colouring Cc:


AutoIT SciTE 3.5.4:

I use the #cs and #ce pairings throughout my code to comment out debugging code. I then use regular expression replace to uncomment it when I need it. This serves to replace the fact that I don't believe there is a way to use a directive to make pieces of code be interpreted or not or compile or not compile. However, as I continued to use this, at times the syntax coloring would not work and everything would appear to be commented out when it really wasn't. This would only happen from a certain point to the bottom of the script. Also, when I would change the first #cs (where that started happening in the file) to something else and then back to #cs, the syntax coloring would again be correct.


No image "\Home\Dave\2 Physical\0 Work Area\AutoITSciTE Syntax Color Bug\Syntax Color Bug Fragment 01162017.jpg" attached to D

Attachments (3)

Syntax Color Bug Fragment 01162017.jpg (175.6 KB) - added by general123456789@… 7 years ago.
Example of SciTE v3.5.4 Syntax Color Bug
Syntax Color Bug Fragment 2 01162017.jpg (196.9 KB) - added by general123456789@… 7 years ago.
Example of SciTE v3.5.4 Syntax Coloring Working in Same File
Slight Malfunction.JPG (18.0 KB) - added by qwert 7 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

Changed 7 years ago by general123456789@…

Example of SciTE v3.5.4 Syntax Color Bug

Changed 7 years ago by general123456789@…

Example of SciTE v3.5.4 Syntax Coloring Working in Same File

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by anonymous

Please post some code to allow me to replicate the issue you see.
Also ensure you try the latest production version to ensure this isn't fixed already before posting a bug report.


Version 1, edited 7 years ago by Jos (previous) (next) (diff)

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by Jos

  • Resolution set to No Bug
  • Status changed from new to closed

Closing as there's no response to my question for more info.
Come to the forum and send me a PM with the info in case you do return.

Last edited 7 years ago by Jos (previous) (diff)

Changed 7 years ago by qwert

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by qwert

I think this ticket should be reopened. FOR MONTHS, I've experienced exactly the fails that the OP described ... although, all things considered, I have considered this a simple annoyance. But it really needs to be fixed for the long term.

I've attached a small example of what I often see. The black text should only occur between the #cs/#ce pair. But occasionally, out of the clear blue, the black propagates to the end of the script. The "fix" that the OP suggests usually works, but not always. Sometimes is takes fiddling with different statements to get SciTE back on track. Restarting SciTE always works ... so it seems to be in the interpretation side and not something embedded in the Au3 file.

Regarding replication, I would estimate that any decent-size script with multiple occurrences of the #cs/#ce pairs would suffice for testing. It happens across all of my scripts and I haven't been able to correlate it with any particular edits. On days that I spend hours editing, it happens a couple or three times.

That's all I can think of to add.

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