


19:21 Ticket #3657 (Incorrect behaviour while using _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort when no ...) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12167] in version:
19:02 Ticket #3668 (.exe has stopped working error message) closed by Melba23
No Bug: You have a forum thread running on this problem - please do not create a ticket unless you have a confirmed bug. M23
13:19 Ticket #3668 (.exe has stopped working error message) created by manojkqtp@…
Hi I have little experience in Auto IT tool. we have created code …
00:27 Ticket #3667 (Continuation line with no code on it passes Au3Check but at runtime ...) created by c.haslam
Try this script: […]


12:19 Ticket #3666 (Au3Check issue when error is in include at last line and there is no ...) created by mLipok
Try to run: Track_Au3Check_Main.au3 […] After quick check you …


13:00 Ticket #3664 (Spam) closed by Melba23
06:10 Ticket #3664 (Spam) created by samstanford@…
Text removed - M23


18:56 Ticket #3663 (documentation for AdlibRegister()) closed by Melba23
Completed: Changed by revision [12164] in version:
09:42 Ticket #3663 (documentation for AdlibRegister()) created by rudi
The documentation for this function should point out, that the fist …


11:37 Ticket #3662 (Additional Parameter for FileGetTime() to return the milliseconds as well) created by rudi
Fact: NTFS has very accurate file timestamp information, but …


21:18 Ticket #3661 (Creating a button: want to know where it ends) closed by Melba23
Rejected: A better idea would be to measure your text and create a button to fit. Look at my StringSize UDF. And next time, ask for help on the forum rather then ask for ridiculous features to be added. M23
17:53 Ticket #3661 (Creating a button: want to know where it ends) created by gf16954@…
When I create a button by GUICtrlCreateButton without a Width …


00:37 Ticket #3660 (Enhancement - PixelSearch to return the color it found) created by anonymous
Currently the PixelSearch function returns a two element array …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.