


09:55 Ticket #3976 (StringRegExp can create invalid arrays (just like StringSplit)) created by jchd18
The issue raised by ticket #3972 applies as well to StringRegExp, for …


09:56 Ticket #3964 (Allow EnvGet to support whole strings like _WinAPI_ExpandEnvironmentStrings) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: As I said use Opt()
09:19 Ticket #3975 (dead link in documentation) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [13007] in version:


11:33 Ticket #3975 (dead link in documentation) created by rudi
on the page ... …


17:26 Ticket #3971 (Integer not handled properly when calling object method) closed by Jpm
No Bug: I close the ticket as no bug
10:34 Ticket #3974 (Key Stuck when using HotKeySet + Send) reopened by Jpm
In fact the pb come from the function executed before the release of the hotkey If you add a Sleep(250) before the send that's work too I will ask Jon if such go around can be integrated before startin a hotkey function Cheers


20:31 Ticket #3974 (Key Stuck when using HotKeySet + Send) closed by Jos
No Bug: PLease use the forum for questions and read the Wiki FAQ: https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/FAQ#Why_does_the_Ctrl_key_get_stuck_down_after_I_run_my_script?
14:40 Ticket #3974 (Key Stuck when using HotKeySet + Send) created by anonymous
Problem Description: When I set Hotkeys to CTRL+ALT+t to a …


13:50 Ticket #3963 (_WinAPI_OpenEvent function missing in WinAPIProc.au3) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [13003] in version:
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.