


08:48 Ticket #3979 (APIShellExConstants.au3 : missing entry concerning FOLDERID_Desktop) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Thanks in fact I did it before your ticket Cheers
06:14 Ticket #3979 (APIShellExConstants.au3 : missing entry concerning FOLDERID_Desktop) created by cyberyeye@…
For a project I had to use FOLDERID_Documents I was suprised …


16:04 Ticket #3978 (miscellaneous string functions that can be included in string.au3) created by mateocedilloR
This can be useful in some cases, for example to check a part of the …


16:31 AutoItNotOnToDoList edited by mLipok


13:31 Ticket #3977 (Return problem by PixelSearch/PixelGetColor) closed by Jos
No Bug: Please post this in the forum so we can have a discussion on it first as there are some things to discuss. Closed for now until we have figured out what is happening. This script helps you to debug, where you will see that the mouse pos is 1 pixel next to the found pixel […]


13:16 Ticket #3977 (Return problem by PixelSearch/PixelGetColor) created by anonymous
I've found a problem where I don't think the wrong coordinates are …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.