


00:44 Ticket #1928 (SoundPlay does not work after FileOpenDialog) closed by Valik
No Bug: Congratulations on not reading the documentation for FileOpenDialog(), not searching the forum, not searching the issue tracker and not the least of all, not writing good good that avoids this "problem" in the first place.


22:55 Ticket #1928 (SoundPlay does not work after FileOpenDialog) created by jlmxp@…
This following script reproduces an issue I’ve just come across with …
20:00 Ticket #1927 (Add a macro for #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion / %fileversion%) created by lwc
Without it, I have to set both #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion and an …
19:43 Ticket #1926 (Support for #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile_x64) created by lwc
Please allow for both #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile and …


11:40 Ticket #1925 ($WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL missing in documentation) created by munzyaron@…
hi. Pls add to the documentation "GUI Control Styles" the …


17:11 Ticket #1924 (Hiding one Edit affects the text in another.) created by martin
The code below shows the problem. If you run the code with the …


11:47 Ticket #1923 (Memory consumption while FileOpen/FileClose) created by anonymous
Prerequisite ... create file "$File" and deny yourself read/write …


12:50 Ticket #1922 (Shell.Explorer.2-Object and cancel Navigation with BeforeNavigate2 fails) created by card0384@…
; Test script to embed an Shell.Explorer.2 (MS WebBrowser) control …


21:48 Ticket #1921 (_ArrayUnique) created by BrewManNH
It states in the help file that _ArrayUnique "Returns the Unique …
19:28 Ticket #1920 (Script crashes with error reported in Security.au3 at line 85) created by malcolmsearle
My usage: Script uses Security.au3 to get user SIDs from Active …
10:30 Ticket #1919 (Native IPv6 support) created by Manadar
The ability to use TCPConnect and UDPConnect with IPv6 addresses. …


07:11 Ticket #1918 (IniReadSection Incorrect) created by anonymous
Inreadsection() does not work when using unicode ini file with section …


19:08 Ticket #1917 (InetGet() on WinXP SP3 Not Working AFTER v3.3.0.0) created by stik3mup@…
After testing this with every version from v3.3.0.0 to, …


23:55 Ticket #1916 (Dealing with TAdvStringGrid, TPanel, TRichEdit, TFormMain, TTollbar) created by mailro
Can you add automation support for T components? Reading text, …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.