


21:21 Ticket #2263 (Add CryptGenRandom Function to Crypt.au3 UDF) created by wraithdu
Here's the function: […]


18:57 Ticket #2199 (_ExcelSheetAddNew() abends if specified sheet already exists) closed by water
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7352] in version:
13:05 Ticket #2199 (_ExcelSheetAddNew() abends if specified sheet already exists) reopened by water


00:00 Ticket #2262 (_Net_Share_ConnectionEnum help file issue) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7347] in version:


23:44 Ticket #2262 (_Net_Share_ConnectionEnum help file issue) created by llewxam
The help file for _Net_Share_ConnectionEnum states: [1][1] - Type …


13:21 Ticket #2261 (Can you include "ImageSearch" similiar to the one in AHK? I know there ...) closed by trancexx


23:38 Ticket #2261 (Can you include "ImageSearch" similiar to the one in AHK? I know there ...) created by Makaveli10a
Hi, id like to ask you very politely if you could include ImageSearch, …


19:34 Ticket #1498 (#RequireAdmin causes script to not complete/run when UAC is turned off ...) closed by trancexx
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7328] in version:
15:37 Ticket #2197 (#RequireAdmin creates a critical error, if the user doesn't start it ...) closed by trancexx
Duplicate: See #1498
15:36 Ticket #1498 (#RequireAdmin causes script to not complete/run when UAC is turned off ...) reopened by trancexx


17:57 Ticket #2204 (Scite ignores parameters) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7320] in version:


16:52 Ticket #2260 (Links (.lnk)) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Maybe I was asking too much considering three days weren't enough time for you to answer.


06:45 Ticket #2260 (Links (.lnk)) created by anonymous
Sometimes i need to create .lnk files with previously unknown …


19:45 Ticket #1759 (Strange listview sort) closed by trancexx
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7300] in version:


19:57 Ticket #2259 (Networking) closed by Valik
Rejected: The socket API is right there ready to be called via DllCall().
13:04 Ticket #2163 (_ExcelBookClose dont work correctly on _ExcelBookAttach on more than ...) closed by water
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7289] in version:
11:26 Ticket #2259 (Networking) created by anonymous
1) ICMP support would be great: […] 2) raw socket support for TCP …


18:31 Ticket #1996 (_GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort - no sort ItemParam) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7271] in version:
17:32 Ticket #2257 (Retreive MAC address from UDPRecv) closed by Valik
Rejected: You can obtain the local MAC address in other ways.
17:18 Ticket #2258 (Disfunction of "_FileWriteFromArray" from File.au3) closed by guinness
Duplicate: Which part to be exact? There were many things wrong with this function which have now been fixed, see #2242 and #2125 to see what was broken. Next time please learn how to correctly submit a bug report. Also this is how your code should be written in future releases of using that function. […]
17:05 Ticket #2258 (Disfunction of "_FileWriteFromArray" from File.au3) created by forinetio@…
#include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> Dim $FileToArray [2] [2]
15:57 Ticket #2218 (AutoIt crash when using SetGroupInfo with $LVGS_SELECTED state before ...) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7268] in version:
01:59 Ticket #2257 (Retreive MAC address from UDPRecv) created by vortex91
It would be helpfull to return in array the mac of the connection as …


15:40 Ticket #2172 (_StringRepeat addition, increments performance with higher count) closed by guinness
15:39 Ticket #2172 (_StringRepeat addition, increments performance with higher count) reopened by guinness
01:55 Ticket #2256 (RuntimeError: instance.__dict__ not accessible in restricted mode) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: Things happen.


14:07 Ticket #2120 (Improvements to _GuiCtrlListView_DeleteAllItems) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [7249] in version:
13:13 Ticket #1977 (_ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd - wrong capture on maximized window) closed by guinness
No Bug: Fixed in Rev [5806] for Trac Ticket #1614. Please use the latest stable release.
13:04 Ticket #2172 (_StringRepeat addition, increments performance with higher count) closed by guinness
Rejected: I didn't get the same results so at present I see no real need to update this function.
12:46 Ticket #2242 (_FileWriteFromArray is incapable of writing only the zeroth element) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7245] in version:
11:52 Ticket #2114 (Performance increase to _ArrayDisplay()) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [7242] in version:
11:26 Ticket #2224 (_FileReadToArray() Add optional parameter to disable row count return ...) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [7239] in version:
10:02 Ticket #2196 (Documentation - FTPEx.au3 - Syntax Highlighting) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7238] in version:
09:55 Ticket #2219 (_ExcelReadSheetToArray() fix and upgrade) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7236] in version:
09:23 Ticket #2149 (_StringBetween does not accept NULL-chars in the boundary strings) closed by guinness
Works For Me: Please read how to 'create a ticket', as you've failed to provide a small test script.
09:15 Ticket #2187 (Unexpected Result in _GUICtrlRichEdit_Create) closed by guinness
Completed: Removed by revision [7232] in version:
09:02 Ticket #2174 (Code error in _StringInsert() - but in my opinion it should not be) closed by guinness
Completed: Removed by revision [7230] in version:
08:18 Ticket #2117 (Improved _FileCountLines()) closed by guinness
Completed: Changed by revision [7226] in version:


23:22 Ticket #2148 (Crash with _GUICtrlListBox_InsertString()) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7223] in version:
22:31 Ticket #2186 (WinNet UDF - AddConnection Functions - Help File Issue) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7222] in version:
22:17 Ticket #2256 (RuntimeError: instance.__dict__ not accessible in restricted mode) created by manfred.kurth@…
==== How to Reproduce ==== While doing a GET operation on …
17:02 Ticket #2207 (Addition to the Docs for TrayItemSetState) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [7220] in version:
16:52 Ticket #2017 (Proposed clarifications of Tray help) closed by guinness
16:51 Ticket #2026 (Improved, clearer, help for TrayCreateItem) closed by guinness
Rejected: The examples have been tidied up, so this at least demonstrates how to use the function TrayCreateItem.
16:19 Ticket #2155 (Run's default workingdir) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [7218] in version:
07:49 Ticket #1861 (_ArrayDisplay: Bug when data contains separator and $sHeader is used) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7212] in version:
07:10 Ticket #2252 (_GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems Bug) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7210] in version:
05:51 Ticket #2244 (_ExcelNumberFormat: bug in Example 2) closed by guinness
Fixed: [7150]


12:15 Ticket #2216 (_WordAttach to closed Word doc crashes latest beta but OK for latest stable) closed by water
Wont Fix: Bad coding style. Close the document and check if it was successfull. If it was then there's no need to double check. As the Word UDF is being rewritten we won't fix this.
10:09 Ticket #2246 (Excel.au3: Some more constants) closed by water
Rejected: The UDF should only contain constants used in the code. The list would become too long otherwise. Add constants you need to your script.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.