


18:47 Ticket #3524 (_FileCountLines crashes program with "Error allocating memory".) closed by Jos
No Bug: This standard UDF isn't made for this purpose as it reads the whole file into memory and counts the LineFeed characters to determine the number of lines. In case you really need to know a total linecount for such a larger file, you need to write your own logic for that. Come to the forum in case you want to have a dialog on this. Jos
18:26 Ticket #3524 (_FileCountLines crashes program with "Error allocating memory".) created by joon
Trying to get the total line count of large text file using …
11:19 Ticket #3523 (Can't access array with _WM_COMMAND) closed by Melba23
No Bug: Not a bug - just do not use blocking functions within a handler, as is explained in the Help file. And in future, please use the forum for support - not Trac. M23
07:22 Ticket #3523 (Can't access array with _WM_COMMAND) created by jamestran201@…
I have a complete error with array when i'm clicked in button, array …


12:05 Ticket #3307 (Au3Info reports not useful mouse coordinates) closed by Jos
No Bug
10:51 Ticket #3522 (FileGetVersion) closed by Jos
No Bug: FileGetVersion with a parameter will return the information found in the "StringFileInfo" block, so I am marking this as No-Bug. Jos


12:15 Ticket #3522 (FileGetVersion) created by moderncareca@…
ConsoleWrite(FileGetVersion (@ScriptDir&"\SciTE4AutoIt3.exe", …


13:16 Ticket #3521 (Au3Check is not able to recognize Global variables declared inside ...) closed by BrewManNH
No Bug: This isn't a bug but poor programming. Au3Check reads the script line by line from the first line to the last. It doesn't execute the script. Because you're trying to access a global variable that hasn't been declared yet (at that point in the script read), you get an error.
11:01 Ticket #3521 (Au3Check is not able to recognize Global variables declared inside ...) created by TheDcoder
Au3Check is not able to recognise Global variables declared inside …
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