


16:49 Ticket #3543 (New example script for "Ternary" operator's help page) created by TheDcoder <TheDcoder@…>
Hello, I would like to propose a new example which can be added to the …


18:28 Ticket #3542 (IniReadSectionNames string truncated) closed by Melba23
No Bug: No bug - the ini standard uses [ ] to define a section name, so having additional characters of that type is not permitted. You will have to modify any ini file that uses additional such characters to escape them - I have showed how in this thread: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/187778-inireadsectionnames-problem-solved/ M23
13:51 Ticket #3542 (IniReadSectionNames string truncated) created by rootx


12:25 Ticket #3541 (Typo in _WinAPI_DragQueryFileEx sample code) created by anonymous
Tiny typo in the sample codes used in the help for these funcs …


07:22 Ticket #3536 (Almost all version queries with _WinAPI_GetVersion in ...) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11845] in version:


07:36 Ticket #3540 (Implement optional ByRef parameters for functions) created by TheDcoder <TheDcoder@…>
Hello, I know that this had been already bought up in ticket #2360 but …


19:30 Ticket #3539 (FileGetTime ( "filename" [, option = 0 [, format = 0], UTC=0]]] )) created by argumentum
add to FileSetTime() and FileGetTime() the option to act as UTC time.
13:55 Ticket #3538 (Make ByRef parameters for _PathSplit optional) created by TheDcoder <TheDcoder@…>
Hello, I think it will be the best if we make the ByRef parameters …
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