


18:01 Ticket #3567 (Reading excel cell fail after manually using an other excel file) closed by Jos
No Bug: Not enough information provided so not even close to a bug report. Please use the forum in case you have questions or want to work with the forummember on issues like this. Jos
08:51 Ticket #3567 (Reading excel cell fail after manually using an other excel file) created by ami@…
My script is reading values from excel file X The script runs fine …


16:34 Ticket #3566 (FileChangeDir is changing @TempDir) created by anonymous
Code: DirCreate("O:\tmp.dir") ConsoleWriteError("@TempDir=" & @TempDir …


19:04 Ticket #3565 (Unable to access windows authentication (Windows Security) popup on ...) closed by Jos
No Bug: Go to our forums for assistance with coding please. This is to report actual bugs. *Closed* Jos
09:06 Ticket #3565 (Unable to access windows authentication (Windows Security) popup on ...) created by ravismundhe@…
Below environment OS :- Windows Server 2016 Internet Explore : IE 11 …


18:23 Ticket #3564 (With ...EndWith not robust) closed by Melba23
No Bug: Please post in the forum and seek help rather than deciding unilaterally that the problem is an AutoIt bug. The fact it "works for 99.99% of the time" makes it very likely to be an environmental issue and not an AutoIt problem. M23


14:22 Ticket #3564 (With ...EndWith not robust) created by steve8tch
Typical code block $q = some sql query $f_objOLEDynaset = …


17:01 Ticket #3563 (Function _IEBodyReadText() from IE.au3 needs to check .innerText is a ...) created by John.D.Rainbow@…
To avoid this (albeit infrequent) problem: […] which is related …
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