


08:28 Ticket #3748 (Running a script from a compiled script is not launching) closed by Jos
No Bug


19:36 Ticket #3748 (Running a script from a compiled script is not launching) created by Nine
It works if not compiled, but once it is compiled the child script is …


16:15 Ticket #3747 (Want to add Select dropdown value Keyword to autoit robot framework library) closed by Jos
Rejected: This is a bug/feature request system. For questions please visit our forum! Jos
10:55 Ticket #3747 (Want to add Select dropdown value Keyword to autoit robot framework library) created by yathish43@…
hello, i want to add Select dropdown value Keyword to autoit robot …


10:53 Ticket #3744 (_Crypt_DestroyKey() does not increment DLL handles) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12239] in version:
09:53 Ticket #3746 (Reason behind why compiled 32-bit .exe are showing as 64-bit OS / Machine) closed by Melba23
No Bug: So if Symantec say it is a false positive ask them to change their algorithm to prevent the 32-bit version being flagged. Nothing to do with a bug in AutoIt. M23


10:02 Ticket #3746 (Reason behind why compiled 32-bit .exe are showing as 64-bit OS / Machine) created by MarkIT
Hi, seeking for your help. Iwant to know if you have any idea why the …


14:28 Ticket #3745 (bug appears on windows 10, writing to edit control freezes script and ...) created by TheAutomator
referring tho this weird bug: …
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