- 10:25 Ticket #3148 (Add new events to GUIGetMsg()) closed by
- Rejected: as suggest by Melba23 we close it.
- 08:30 Ticket #3250 (New directive for changing AutoIt's Stack Depth) closed by
- Rejected: AutoIt use the max possible stack and memory with some checking to avoid AutoIt crash That the purpose os such AutoIt fatal error. If a user want to avoid to reach such limit it can use a recursing counter and do what they want when he reach the desire level.
- 09:25 Ticket #3739 (Scripting.dictionary Keys/Items array support for _ArrayDisplay) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [12378] in version:
- 10:12 Ticket #3763 (Send() Optimisation) closed by
- Rejected: Hi, it was very difficult to have it working in all cases, so we will not optimize in cas of regression Sorry
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